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This is appalling....

Posted: Sep 10, 2012

I agree that Biden should have kept his mouth shut.  Loose lips sink ships, buddy. 


What kind of leverage does Biden have - cory

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that would make Obama keep him as his VP pick? He's a definite liability.

Sigh....it really doesn't matter. It doesn't matter (sm) - Aunt Sue

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that Biden is a buffoon, it doesn't matter that Eric Holder gets a pass for Fast and Furious, gets to prosecute Roger Clemens and Billy Bonds for baseball infractions, refuses to prosecute Goldman-Sachs for mortgage loan fraud, it doesn't matter that Tim Geithner didn't pay his taxes for I don't even remember how long, just brushed under the rug, now under investigation for other charges, none of this matters to the Obama administration. If Obama gets reelected, all this will matter even less. This country was "ripe for the picking", so to speak, and along came this great orator, whose race certainly did not hurt him, a relative unknown, catapulted to the Presidency because of our collective guilt. Many will deny this, but it really doesn't matter much. He is still considered likable personally, (God only knows how, I can never like people I don't trust), but that's a fact, whether I like it or not. The media has given him a pass since day one, he stole the election from Hillary, IMO, with the media's help, and he very possibly may steal this one. Nothing this man could do would surprise me. Nothing. But these petty grievances that we all focus on everyday, including myself, really matter not one iota. Reelect him and in a few years if we're still able to, I'll say I told you so.

Deal! nm - VTMT

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Guess the death of someone son's means nothing - to you--This callousness so sad
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What does this post mean? nm - VTMT
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I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet and I figured it out. - nm
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Biden's tears at DNC over troops - what a soap opera

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not to mention just sickening. How low will these 2 stoop to?

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