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This felon needs to be impeached. Now. (sm)

Posted: Aug 21, 2012



Agreed - but it will never happen on Obama's watch

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No liberal will touch this.

Obama is the one who needs to be impeached. - Felon.

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No jobs were created at PR firm who produced ads the "watchdog" - is dissing, but BLS

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issued it's FIRST assessment on the newly emerging green jobs market this past May. By their count 3.1 million Americans hold green jobs. As for the Washington Times rag article, it's disingenuous at best. I would classify it as a retroactive lie, since the first comprehensive report on the ARRA green jobs initiatives is not due out until September 2012, just in time for the election.

Furthermore, the claims about the Job Corps is a lie as well. Their green jobs training programs have been ongoing and ads for those jobs show up on our state workforce job search site all the time, in large numbers. I suspect the same can be said for the other 49 states as well, particularly California. The Job Corps placement numbers should also show up in the September report.

Apparently you are not supposed to advertise job openings - Get real

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How is the word suppose to go out about jobs if they are not advertised? And the money circulates. Let me see, there would be the ad production, the stations that aired it, the shows and employees that were sponsored, etc. And then to be cost effective, you would place the ads where the people most likely to be interested would be see them, right? I remember that period of time. Not only was I lying awake in fear at night wondering about what Bush and the Republicans had done to the country, our jobs, mortgages and retirement funds,but I noticed that there was very little advertising happening on the TV. No car commercials, no travel commercials, no banking or investment firm commercials. I think it is great they were running ads for green jobs.

You and me both. I first heard about the JobCorps program - from the UI office

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so I was lying awake at night biting my nails off every time the GOP temporary UI benefits extension were about to expire (every 3 months if memory serves) and they would go on their repeated and seemingly endless "breaks" for weeks on end, leaving the bill on the table, hostage to whatever crap they were tacking onto it to delay its passage. Particularly vivid in my recollections was the Christmas kidnap, when they blackmailed the president into giving the ubers their Bush breaks while I had to farm my son out to his dad (my ex) for the holidays because I couldn't afford a tree, a gift or a holiday dinner for him that year. I spend all Christmas day cruising the job search sites.

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