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This according to Hilda Solis

Posted: Oct 5, 2012

In fact, the new number is entirely accounted for by upwards revisions to state and federal government payrolls.  Liars.  They just wanted to make Obama look good. 


We all knew the books would be cooked in Obama's favor - prior to election.

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The corruption of this administration seems to have no boundaries whatsoever.

It's said that "figures lie, and liars figure" - and we know who's doing the figuring, right?

As predictable as sunrise. - nm

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Polls lie, number crunchers lie, the media lies, - I now the DOL lies too

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If I were supporting the liar that showed up at the debates, threw his base under the bus while distancing himself as far away from them as he could get, and suddenly morphed into a moderate compromiser who was forced to denounce his own 47% self (and his 30% running mate) while claiming to be the champion of the middle class and working folks, I guess I'd see lies around every corner too.

It's really not all that surprising how silent the wingers have been in the face of their recently well-groomed candidate puppet's complete about face. We knew all along they never supported him in the first place and that all they felt they needed was a warm body with a mouth willing to run under their banner, since their entire mojo is based on pure hatred of a sitting president. It's also not surprising that the habit they have developed of rooting for failure has become an intractable addiction that manifests itself every time a piece of good news come across the wires.

I hope they keep right on squealing loud and long about the jobs numbers, so voters can get a good look at those who would stop at nothing to bring down one man from power....even to the point of trying to bring the entire country down around him. Enjoy stewing in your own juices, but don't think for a minute that spin can transform those numbers into anything but what they are. The improvement is backed up by other economic indicators. Deal with it.

Nothing new, they cheer and believe when the news....sm - VTMT

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is bad and boo and disbelieve when the news is good. Unbelievable!
That peculiar "patriotism." Turns on and off like a spigot. One year for the U.S., the nex - marching with those who would destroy us.SM
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You do know, of course, that our external enemies grab gleefully onto the very same lies you search the web so...gleefully to use too.

What part of politics do you not understand? - sm

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You say Romney lies, we say Obama lies. Your okay with Obama lies, but not okay with Romney lies. Your okay with Obama flip-flop, but not okay with a republican flip flop. You say Romney throws people under a bus, but your okay that Obama throws people under a bus. Ya know we get it already. The hate and fear mongering has gone on so long that liberals have a hard time of rationalization and knowing right from wrong. You see no further than the (D) or (R) after someones name.

Romney is not distancing himself from the republican party. If your talking about the Neocons, yes I imagine he is, just like Obama is trying to distance himself from the communists.

This freakin 47% thingy has gotten out of control. It's already been denounced, but everyone keeps repeating it like all of a sudden the lie is going to become a truth. Unless your Harry Potter, don't think that's going to happen. So enough already with the 47 percenty. Old news and so ho hummmmm. People who have an education understand this.

The wingers have their well-groomed puppet/clown and that is Obama. Failure with his policies and ideations, but ya just gotta keep supporting the incompetent cos ya hate the republicans so much. Yes, lets have more people unemployed, more debt, more housing crisis, more destruction, more bowing, more pitting Americans against Americans, more bailouts for his freinds who then lay off people anyway, more lies, more destruction, just don't get a well qualified person in who can fix the economy (yes he has a plan, yes you too can find it). Creating jobs? Oh can't have any of that because its a republican that would create jobs. You'll all eat your own young before you'll let a republican create jobs and get people back to work.

Okay, now let me repeat for those clearly uneducated people who keep spewing this lie. Nobody hates Obama. There, were you able to understand that. No? Here, let me repeat a little more slowly so as not to challenge your minds too quickly...Nobody...hates...Obama. There, see what reading slowly can do. Now, repeat after me - I'm sicke of getting my daily brainwashing from MSNBC. I promise to become a more informed person about politics and read from independent sites. Now if y'all could only follow that you'll be better informed.

Now, let me explain something else. Romney is the republican candidate. We support him. The lie about nobody supporting him is, well just that...a lie. But again, if you follow my advise above and stop listening to MSNBC you would see that. If another candidate was running and won over Romney we would support him too. Saying people never supported Romney just shows that you do not understand politics.

Liberals (to include those on this board) are showing they are ready to bring the entire country down around them. You show you don't care whether people are out of work or that the economy keeps tanking, just god forbid get a republican in that can fix it.

Unemployment is on the rise. It's higher than they are reporting it, but hey that's okay, don't care that someone lost his job, can no longer feed his family, just as long as a liberal is president. Yeah, let the country suffer.

The country is in bad shape and you don't care. The only hope we have is to fire the democrats and let the republicans fix it just like they were able to recover it after Jimmy Carter. That is the true and simple facts.

Deal with it!

Your post is inaccurate on so many levels. - nm
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Says who? You? What?...no facts to back up your claim? - Go figure
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Not even a nice try. I wrote the facts. You, wrote nothing.
Odd you weren't specific on which levels were wrong. - Aunt Sue (sm)
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Having an Obama debate moment?
How about an empty chair moment - nm
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Excellent post. (sm) - LM
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I believe you're right that many liberals would rather see the country go down the tubes than, God forbid, a Republican fix Obama's mess.
Oh right, just like Bush came in and fixed - what Clinton did. No thanks SM
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Most of the country does not want a repeat of that and that is why Obama will win a second term.
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Jesus. - RC
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What a great post!!! I am enjoying it - immensely. Like a SM

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bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut off. LOL They're spinning so fast, maybe when they stop their finger might finally point at the true liar, their candidate. :)

"Highest 1-month jump in 29 years" right after Obama - drops his basket in debate. I have

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...some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell to anyone who believes this report - because we ALL know there has been no economic improvement of other sorts (e.g., manufacturing, etc.) to explain this.

In fact, OTHER economic numbers like factory orders have been trending DOWN.

Not true. U.S. News and Business Report and Wall Street - Journal are just a few key clicks away. NM

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GDP has been trending down since the 1st quarter - of last year and was weak then.

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No one is believing this unemployment number - except the "faithful worshipers" who can't tell a true fact from a tingle running up their legs.

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