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The odd contradiction of humanism.

Posted: Dec 15, 2016

There is no one who is more devoted to - and reliant upon - the jackboot of government to control, constrain and regulate virtually every aspect of human behavior than a so-called humanist.

Logically, humanists should be libertarians, but they're not.  They're radical socialists.

If this gives you intellectual shudders - well, it jolly well should.  If not, you don't get it.




You don't get it. sm - VTMT

[ In Reply To ..]
There is no one more devoted to trying to control the masses than right wing evangelical, so-called Christians. They want to constrain and regulate virtually every aspect of human behavior. Humanists believe in live and let live with love and without discrimination. Just trying to help you get it. Humanism is not a religion and there are Humanists from every religion in the world, and those with no religion. Humanism is not a dirty word, it is a word that comes from love and regard for everyone.

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