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Tell me again we're not going to be Communists.

Posted: Jul 25, 2013

Feds demand web firms turn over user passwords.  NOW!  Hail Obama!!



OK. We're not going to be communists. - nm

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We're much too materialistic and used to glorifying - grabbiness to be Commies. Silly stuff.

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Seriously. You really need to take a look at our culture. Then take another look at those who are feeding people this nonsense to try to scare them.

You can't even find one in ten beggars who'd be willing to change to communism--and they'd have absolutely nothing to lose to communal ownership but a few rags.

Half the people on public assistance oppose taxing the wealthy any more than the little they're paying now--much less taxing everything away.

Really. Silly nonsense.

Exactly, not to mention that there were no sources - cited in the article

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It just said 2 (supposed) industry sources, did not name them. All the big guys refused to give comments.

I would invite anyone who thinks this qualifies as heading toward communism to become a citizen of a true communist country and compare and contrast. Or do a little research.

Seriously, you really need to take off the - Obama rose-colored glasses

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Fearmongering at its finest. - lovely (nm)

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Totalitarianism, then? - Is that fear mongering too?

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CNet is one of the most respected online tech "magazines" - Truthhurts

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They don't involve themselves in politics unless it has something to do with technology and they ALWAYS verify the information from their sources even if they don't give their sources identities. It's not against the law to keep their sources confidential and if that's what they choose to do, fine.

Yes, and CNET has NOTHING to do with the irrational - twists being put on this. nm

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O 4 crying out loud already.... - just saying

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Do you *really* believe that government intrusion started with Obama?

I mean seriously. If you do, you have not done your homework.

As much as I can despise politicians, I have to say people make it very very easy to be controlled/divided/conquered. And don't think they don't know how uneducated we are - after all they control education in public schools as well.

It has nothing to do with where it began - For heavens sake

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It has everything to do with what is going on now, in our present time. It does not matter whether it was started under a republican or democrat. People don't care where it started, people care that it is happening to them as we speak.

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