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Posted: Oct 3, 2012




Truly, SK1, he's such a buffoon, I was embarrassed for us - when he was "running." (Although,

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of course, pleased that it was at least the GOP he was running with.)

And, of course, he has a REAL attitude problem where women are concerned, and a Clinton-type zipper problem. We're either boffable or don't exist, as he made clear in numerous interviews. I suspect it covers significant hostility. We all know the type. At least Clinton really likes women.

Do you know his off-the-top-of-his-head take on being asked his opinion of 71-YEAR-OLD Nancy Pelosi (our first female Speaker of the House of Representatives, third in line to the presidency, the only woman to rise that high) was that he wouldn't care to nail her? (My term, can't remember his, but that's what he meant.) I laugh remembering, which is good because I'll never be able to forget, but ohmygosh.

Let's bury this silly little schmuck where he belongs--in obscurity.

I'm only embarrassed when I behave badly... - SK1

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1. Who cares if he ran for president. It's a free country. You could run, too.

2. I'm not sure why anyone would be embarrassed by someone else, unless maybe you gave birth to them.

3. The only thing I remember Cain saying in regarding to Nancy Pelosi was calling "Princess Nancy." If you can find a quote where he said he wouldn't have sex with her, please provide it.

3. Did you WATCH the video? The man said what should have been said and it doesn't matter who said it. I applaud him. And I would have shared the video no matter who said it.

To each her own. Not my taste by far. A quick search did not - turn it up, but I watched it sitting right here. S

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The "boffed" vulgarity is my own. His comment was to the effect that he was not attracted to her or did not find her physically attractive. Not only a schmuck, a little man.

"Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks. If you don't have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself!" -- Herman Cain

"Spending time at the Federal Reserve was a good learning opportunity for me. It helped me to understand economic philosophies and polices that I had not previously known about." (Apparently he was extended the courtesy of a visit some afternoon).

""The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he isâ¦. Because the more manly man is not afraid of abundance.... A manly man don't want it piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza." -- Herman Cain

"And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan I'm going to say, you know, I don't know. Do you know? And then I'm going to say, 'How's that going to create one job?'" -- Herman Cain

"It will be a twenty foot wall, barbed wire, electrified on the top, and on this side of the fence, I'll have that moat that President Obama talked about. And I would put those alligators in that moat!" -- Cain's plan to fight illegal immigration

So, Clinton gets a pass because what he does - to women is because he likes them.

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If that's your take. Enjoy the debate. - NM

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Saw that yesterday and he was amazing - kr

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Thanks for posting the link. His response was impromptu but so heartfelt and accurate. We are the greatest country in the world -- notice how many people try to come here. We should be proud. Cain would make a great president, and who knows, maybe someday.... :)

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