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Kirsten Powers

Posted: Jun 9, 2011

Anthony Weiner's Ex: He Lied to Me
by Kirsten Powers
June 8, 2011 | 3:53pm

Reality check. 56-30-12. The only opinions that matter. - District 9 constituent

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(registered voters) polls conducted after the release of the Opie and Anthony fuzzy headless alleged screen shot produced those numbers for the stay-resign-undecided responses respectively. Polling of registered voters in Greater NY State produced similar 51-30-18 numbers. Whether they send him back in 2012 is anybody's guess and unknowable at this juncture. That is how our democracy works.

Meanwhile, House Dems will be bound by Ethics Committee rules despite their best efforts at political posturing/damage control, GOP reps will keep their legendary double-standards hypocrisy alive and well, the media will have their field days and their audience will remain conflicted, divided and distracted from all the issues we claim matter the most. This article merely adds fuel to that fire.

distraction - umad

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Who is the one person responsible for this so-called "distraction" in the first place?

Doesn't matter. Only ones who can take him out - are 9th district voters.

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Everything else is just fluff. All the scolding and finger-pointing in the world cannot change the fact that Weiner has owned up to his responsibility for the sexting and made a calculated decision not to resign. We have a choice. Either move forward and focus on the issues that really matter or continue to obsess over this scandal.

What I want to know is who stands to benefit the most by prolonging this story in the weeks and months leading up to the primaries/election and what are their real motivations?
issues - umad
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You're right. Let's move on the issues that really matter --- Sarah Palin's email from 2008!!

To answer your question, Kirsten Powers wrote this piece, so I wouldn't want to guess what her reason for prolonging the story and how she would benefit by it. I don't think she's running for political office.
So dems, GOP, media and their audience are - sm
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not a part of this equation? Don't be absurd. To answer the question, one only has to go through a simple process of elimination. Dems would like to drop this like a hot potato, which explains why they are screaming for his resignation night and day. The media is going to gravitate around the most sensational stories they can find to boost ratings but they are a fickle bunch and have a tendency to go whichever way the wind is blowing. Their audience has no choice other than to turn it off, tune it out and deal with their frustations over the oxygen that is being sucked out of the air.

And then there's the GOP. Now let me see here. Newt's team has jumped ship en mass and I am told we are awaiting Newt campaign kick-off #2, despite his disastrous stumble out of the gate last time around. We have the econimically challeneged Pawlenty whose new roses and lollipops fiscal plan would add $7.8 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years. Last I heard from the Donald, his plan is to swoop in and take over the show if the party does not come up with a candidate that passes muster with him, this dspite his not-so-official withdrawal from the race. Herman I-hate-to-read Cain is looking more and more bigoted by the minute, but at least that media coverage will help to bury the abysmal lack of knowledge he displayed a few weeks back on the Middle East. Rick Santorum has said very little since his brilliant observation that John McCain does not understand torture. Ron Paul wants to legalize heroin. Then there is this slew of folks that the media has ignored entirely since no one has ever heard of them: Jonathan Sharkey, Buddy Roemer, Jimmy McMillan, Andy Martin, Fred Karger and Gary Johnson. And then there is the slick socialist frontrunner Mitt Romney who knows how to say exactly what you want to hear at the drop of a hat, but no one in the GOP seems to want him, despite the fact that a recent poll showed he might actually be able to beat out President Obama.

Issues indeed. Keeping this scandal alive is their best hope to avoid their own shame and embarrassment and going down in history as the weakest field of primary candidates of all times.
me too - umad
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Easy tiger. There's really no need to smear every GOP candidate. Besides, they don't have a chance against Obama (even Romney), so I'm not going to waste breath talking about them. I'm agreeing with you! Weiner is old news and we need to move on to more juicy stuff - like Palin's emails. There should be some great stuff in there!
Really? - sm
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Credibiliy is in question on account of your rhetorical does-anyone-care post where you appear anxious to change the subject and even less interested in discussing the topic than you are in discussing GOP candidates. Let's make this easy. What ARE you willing to talk about?
really - umad
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You keep telling me I'm changing the subject and yet you go on about the pathetic GOP field. The OP was an article I enjoyed reading by Kirsten Powers about her former boyfriend. I shared it with the board. Pretty simple, I think.

I'll make it easy for you too (is that condescending enough for you?) For the last time, I'm with you. I don't much care if you question my credibility because I don't need your acceptance and don't have to prove anything to you. No need to get nasty. Whatever.
She keeps telling you that - because you keep doing it.
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The response to your sarcasm is tame compared to this passive aggressive defense. The solution is not to reply.

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