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I see no end in sight.

Posted: Aug 2, 2011

I have come to the final conclusion that our government is just completely corrupt.  Politicians may be patting themselves on the back for getting the debt ceiling raised and for cutting spending, but I just don't see how borrowing more money is going to help our debt problem when we have a pro big government administration that thinks the best way to get out of debt is to spend more money.  The very group of people who put down Christians all the time, yet at the same time say that Jesus would have been a democrat.  Jesus would have been for helping the less fortunate, but he wouldn't allow moochers and laziness to receive those funds.  If the democrats truly wanted to help the less fortunate, they would reform these entitlement programs so that those who truly need the help gets it...instead of just being enablers to those who would rather sit at home and receive a check from Uncle Sam.  That right there proves to me that they don't give a rats behind about the poor.  They only care about promising freebies in return for votes.  Are the republicans at no fault?  Heck no.  The republicans went hog wild during Bush's administration and Bush's prescription bill and no child left behind were 2 idiotic things.  Not to mention the Bush tax cuts which might have worked had we not been spending money like it grows on trees.  I'm so tired of them all.  Politicians don't get their salaries cut when the economy is poor.  They aren't the ones who get threatened with not receiving their salary when times get tough.  No...instead they threaten people who really depend on their income like SS and military pay.  The president talks about taking from the rich because they should be doing their fair share and yet I didn't see him give a speech about not guaranteeing that politician's salaries may not get paid.  Instead he decides to threaten SS and the old people who depend upon those checks.  Rather admirable, huh?

I'm so sick of the bullying and the BS from Washington from both parties.  I'm truly angry.  When you cannot live within your means, you cut back.  Why can't our government do the same.  Bring our troops home, stop foriegn aid, reform the tax code, reform entitlement programs.  There is enough waste in current programs that we could get rid of and that right there would help a lot.  No raises of any salaries for any politician while the economy is down.  I'm tired of these politicians not sacrificing like the rest of us.  You wanna talk about being fair....they should feel the financial pressure that we are feeling.  Most all of us have taken a pay cut of some kind during this recession.  So why should any of them get raises?

Sorry for the vent...I'm just absolutely furious with them all.  I'm ready to kick them all out and start over.  :(


Do I understand you feel the government should not pay its bills? - sm

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The raising the debt ceiling allows the government to pay bills already incurred. You know, like your mortgage, car payment, etc.

Actually, there are times when it is good to borrow and times when it is good to cut back. However, you are seeing the stock market contract today. Much of that is due to the fact that there will be MORE unemployment due to the lack of government spending--to private contractors, material suppliers, as well as those nasty,lazy government workers.

Any smart small business owner knows that in order to start or expand, you need credit. Since the big corporations refuse to part with their large profits of the last couple of years, the government really needs to step in to continue job projects and keep the safety net intact. We may now find out what would have happened without the first stimulus programs. Hang on to your shorts! Hopefully we can vote out the teaparty Republicans before the country becomes 3rd world.

It is too bad people do not seem to make intelligent decisions based on facts instead of on emotions.

That will always be one of life's great mysteries - sm

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I have to tip my hat to them, because how they manage to convince people to go in a direction that is so contrary to any rational economic theory is beyond me. All while their party prophets (or maybe I should spell that profits) display endless hypocrisy (government programs must go- now that I've gotten mine; government should run like a family budget- but I don't pay my child support)). Yet somehow a chunk of this country actually believes that these TPRs have their best interest at heart. Jim Jones would have been proud.

Unbelievable! So, you think the stimulus should have - been bigger? "Intelligent decisions"?

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First intelligent decision would be to vote out Obama in 2012. He is KILLING this country!

When McConnell already says - poor MT

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that no matter WHAT, they will not raise taxes on the rich, when he has clearly stated his ONLY reason for being is to see that Obama is a one-term president, I can't be mad at both sides (okay I'm a little mad at both sides).

There are enough old, fat, white Republican men who are simply mortified that a (half) black man made it to the highest office in the land that they have vowed to simply do NOTHING. And since the Tea Party has been voted in, that NOTHING has been profound.

I agree the system is broken, but when you have people who know no shame, who are bigoted and not afraid to wear that as a badge of honor, we will continue to be led down to the depths of hell. The Tea Party showed their real concern is satisfying THEIR LOBBYISTS, not their supposed "constitutional" government (especially when half of them don't even know what the constitution means.)

I so loathe McConnell and that smirk on his face... - lka

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He and the rest of them work for the lobbyists and big corporations... they could care less about "we the people," who were stupid enough to keep voting them in. I don't understand why you are mad at both sides though...

Regan rasied the debt ceiling 16 or 18 times and every other president has done so as well, but Obama has had his hands tied since his first day in office. I say we have a revolution... I mean a REAL revolution and march on the capital and remove all of them.

I would like to move to another country where they are not so gun-happy and at least treat their people with health care!!

Remember, the voting out of all the incumbents theory - Is what gave us hostage-holding TP

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We need to recognize that reasonable politicians have to have negotiation skills and the intelligence to compromise for the larger deal. We voted out a lot of good incumbents last election in effort "to throw the bums out." Unfortunately, they threw out the wrong bums. Yes, the corporate servants like McConnell need to be voted out, but our district made a huge mistake last election. I wish we could have a do-over.
Are you joking me? "hostage holding TP" - see message
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If they are "hostage holding" that is a crime and the person who is holding someone hostage would be arrested. Jeez these media ignoramus infuriate me. Chris Matthews is right on the top of the list and all the other idiots that follow along and repeat the mantra. Holding a person(s) hostage is a crime. Same with terrorism. If people in the tea party are terrorist than arrest them and throw them in jail. But oooh do look out as false accusations are a crime too.

There is one person who could stop this insane nonsense. That would be the President of the United States. He needs to stand up and tell the idiots in the country (i.e. media talking heads) to stop this nonsense (i.e. knock it off). Nobody is taking anyone hostage and nobody is a terrorist and those people falsely accusing them of crimes need to shut their pie holes.

But then again, that is the communist way. Blame the other side for what it is you are actually doing. Reichstag fire.

All I say is if a true crime has been committed then the perpetrator(s) should be arrested. If not then the TV people need to shut the up and stop making themselves look as stupid as they really are. Do they even know this is how the civil war started.

On a better note I like Kucinich more and more. I heard him interviewed tonight and he is one of the few politicians in congress that has a spine. He is a real patriot for doing what he believes is correct, which by the way it was also noted that he voted the same way the people in the tea party voted and he wasn't called a terrorist. Only if you belong to the tea party I guess.

All I say if these media people keep spreading these lies and hate and false accusations, they should at least know the consequences of their destructive and irresponsible behavior. You don't yell fire in a theatre when there is none and you don't falsely accuse people being terrorists when they clearly are not.

Let me repeat for the media "bleeps" who are irresponsible and childish. Nobody is stapping explosives to their bodies and sitting in front of buildings and nobody is taking people hostage and nobody is a terrorist just because they want lower taxes and to end out of control spending. If they keep it up they better be prepared for the consequences. I do believe falsely accusing people of a crime is a crime and there is some harsh jail time associated with it.
metaphors and analogies are common in writing - MTeng101
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metaphors and analogies - see message
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Definition of METAPHOR
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money)

Definition of ANALOGY
1. Inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others
2. a resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : similarity

The problem with their metaphors and analogies is that they are comparing things that are nothing like what it is they are trying to say.

You don't call Americans who want lower taxes terrorists, or Americans who want the out of control spending to stop hostage takers or that they have explosives strapped to their bodies and are standing outside of a buildings. When I first heard that I remembered the horrible images of real life events that happened. I kept flipping the channel to find these events they described happening only to realize that it was yet another attack by the liberals to try to silence the American citizens of our country, where once freedom of speech was allowed and now it's trying to be silenced. Oh you don't want to pay higher taxes because your already broke - your a terrorist. Oh, you want the people in DC to actually be responsible and have a balanced budget like every household has in this country, well your a hostage taker, blah, blah, blah. Look, differences of opinions is one thing. But to try to silence people who won't give you a free pass to do whatever you want, continue to ship jobs overseas, continue to spend without responsibility, continue to start wars without congresses approval, continue to want to have a future for themselves and their families is just wrong whether you like it or not. And if you don't like it there are countries like the middle east where they just go and execute people who don't go along with their government. Is that what it's come down to, because that's the impression that is coming across. I listen to Beckel, Matthews, and all those other phony media people and they would rather see people who don't agree with them just done away with.

Read up on the civil war and how that began because reading a lot of posts on this board it's happening all over again. Read about the Reichstag fire.

What it boils down to is this. Everyone in this country is an American first. Political parties are just a bunch of bull-onely to keep people divided and hating others. It's not right to call other hard working tax paying Americans terrorists because they want DC to be held responsible for their actions and anyone who says otherwise should be hit with a huge lawsuit for falsley acusing others of a crime.

People should listen to Dennis Kucinich. He's a smart politician and a true patriot for doing what he feels is right.
So true. ...and the people who follow that "hostage" mantra - are sheep, obviously... disgusting.nm
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Yup, she is crawling out from under her rock - now the the DC "crisis" is over
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I was reading your view on the TP terrorists and thinking that, "Geez, weren't these people just accusing Obama of being terrorist? Sure enough, here comes "What's Her Name?" spouting her garbage about Obama palling with terrorists.

I have a friend who has dual citizenship with US and Canada. - me

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I genuinely envy her these days. She can just leave this country if things get really bad. AND she always has access to free health care.
My cousin is from Canada - She told me its not free - sm
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And I'll quote her "We don't have free health care. Americans think we all have free health care, but its not. It is paid for by taxes. The difference is everyone has access to health care, but it's not free". She said just like in your country, everyone has access to health care, it's just where the funds come from to pay for it. She asked me where I seriously thought the money comes from to pay for this. Not everyone in the country can have free health care. She asked where I thought they are getting the money to pay for it. She said the taxes for the health care are very high where she is and that pays for the health care. Nothing is for free and my other cousin "her sister" cannot afford all the medication she needs and has to wait for months and months to get the care she needs. She told me they live across the country borders and sometimes they come to our country just so she can get in to see a doctor and get her medications she needs that she can't get there.

So if you think that everyone in America should have free health care, just who do you think should pay for it?
Now I understand--you are trying to say - sm
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That the subsidies that are paid to the corporations are "free" because they come from the middle class taxes. So that would be okay, but access to health care isn't. I have to go wrap my mind around this for a bit. See you later.
No, that's not what I said and before you get smart - why don't you read my message
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before going on the attack. And no, you don't understand because that's not what I said in the message.

I simply stated (and I guess simple wasn't simple enough) what my cousin told me. She said health care is not free. America thinks Canada's health care is free and it is not. She said (and I stated this in my message) that it is paid for by taxes. Meaning in Canada the middle class still have to pay and she said she pays a lot in taxes for this so called "free health care". She said their middle class pays more, just like here.

My message was to state that Canada's health care is not free. I didn't say anything about how we should stick it to those rich nasty corporations here. If you want to talk about that that is for another message.

Free health care? Hey great concept. Always nice to get something for free, huh? But sorry hon, nothing is for free. Who the heck do you think is going to pay for your "free" health care. I AM!!! And sorry but middle class (going into the low income now) it is not right that I should be taxed more so YOU can get it for free. Oh wait, but that's the socialist way. Guess that's okay for you then. Now I'm the one who has to go wrap my mind around that for a bit...ya, see ya later.
It was a purposeful misinterpretation of previous posters - use of the word "free"
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Everyone here is not so "simple" that they think Canada's health care is "free". They know that they are paying into the government and directly to the medical providers and cutting out the big profit/tax the middle-man insurance companies are raking in. Of course, when you cut out the middle-man insurance company profit/tax, there is more money to cover those who can not afford to pay the insurance company profit/tax.

BTW, I am very hurt that you would call me "simple." Having another bad day?
I didn't call you simple - read the message again - sm
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I didn't call you simple, but if you took it that way, well nothing I can do about that. This is another example of replying without reading the message. Evidently the poster I replied to (unsure if its you or someone else) thinks Canada gets health care for free because that's what they stated, and I'll quote "she always has access to free health care". So evidently the poster is assuming everyone's health care is free because they just stated that or they are purposely misleading readers.

So, my question is who do you think should pay for the health care that you think we should all get for free?

BTW, I'm not having a bad day, but looks like you are.
I don't believe we need a lesson in whether or not Canadian Healthcare is free...we all know it - MTw/ohealthcare
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Wasn't giving a "lesson" just telling what my cousin said - Im w/o health care too
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Just saying the grass is not always greener and the people pushing the idea that Canadians get free health care all so this country can pass the same type of deal is wrong.

I'm without health insurance (except catastrophe) and I would like better prices for health care. But not at the expense of other Americans who would have to pay more to give it to me.

Nobody ever answers the question about what they would do to make health care affordable, and I don't see it in DC either. Just them telling us we need to socialize health care and make everyone equal (besides them of course). I say if you open up the market and let me have the same rates as a person 2 states away from me I'd have a great healthcare plan. But I can't afford the rates that are given to people in my state (and I get to choose from 3 or 4 companies and all their rates are about the same. I say make it competitive. There has to be a solution to get more people in the country able to afford health insurance, and the ones who don't have a job at all, some type of health care for them. Maybe docs and hospitals volunteer some of their time to help, but not a permanent thing for them, just temporary until they are back on their feet again.

Then if we could get the current crowd to start actually working for the people that actually voted for them and create jobs, get jobs back, etc, instead of sitting there only to get rich while we suffer their actions, then the country would be better.

Nothing is for free, but there has to be solutions.
This is literally ridiculous - sm
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If you want to look at it like that, absolutely nothing in this country is free. We pay taxes to, in theory at least:

Build/maintain highways.
Clean air/water.
Parks and recreation.
Police/fire protection.

If you and your friend have just come to the conclusion that Canadian healthcare isn't free because it's paid for with taxes, I guess I just have to say, "Here's your sign" for that duh moment.
Here's the duh moment - sm
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We don't have increased taxes to pay for health care like Canada does - duh (well not yet at least)

All the things you listed have nothing to with health care. They are all separate issues and should be addressed as such. - duh

No, nothing in this country is for free and neither is the health insurance in Canada - duh.

And before anyone comes back with nobody ever said it was free the comment made was "and she always has access to free health care". Those key words "free health care" kind of ruins it for the bumbling cover up story of "of course is not free, I didn't say it was free". Duh.

Yes, this is getting ridiculous.
Thats funny. I have a relative in Canada who comes here - for health care because of the wait time in CA !.n
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and I know people in the US who cross...sm - vtmt
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the Canadian border to see a doc who charges $15 a visit, then stop at a Canadian pharmacy for their prescriptions at less than half the US cost, than drive back home across the US/Canadian border.

Not as much as I loathe Shumar and that smirk on his face - sm

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I am not the person you replied to, but just wanted to say there are many politicians I do not like. And Chuck Shumer is at the top of the list. I have come to learn that if they are in Washington, chances are they are there to get rich. The American people have been let down too many times by self serving politicians, always blaming the other side and taking no responsibility for the actions they themselves are making. 3 years later still blaming the other side instead of coming up with solutions to fix the problems. I guarantee you 99% is they don't want to fix the problems. Otherwise they would have been fixed a long time ago (way before Obama and way before Bush).

It doesn't matter if a republican raised the debt ceiling a zillion times. It should not be raised again, and I find it funny that everyone is ignoring Obama's 2006 speech where he said "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure". Well guess what...that still stands today and to blame it all on the other party when NOBODY was giving in or compromising while the country is suffering is just plain disgusting. So, sorry, but one side does not get a free pass.

Unsure about your comment about moving to another country where they are not gun-happy and treat their people with health care??? Unsure what that has to do with anything. If you want a country where they don't allow people their rights there are a lot of countries like that
Schumer and countries without rights - lka
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I think both parties are bad... and now add in the Tea Party and worse than ever. They are trying to take our rights away. What I meant about the gun-happy USA is that per capita we have the most gun-owners in all of the world and highest crime... all to basically support the amendment (sorry cannot think of the amendment number) to bear arms. I understand the right to bear arms, but handguns and machine guns... I don't think hunters use those; those are used by the crooks.

Having watched the Michael Moore documentaries gives you a wide view of our country in terms of guns and health-care. Of course, none of it is free and highly taxed, but what I don't like is all the freebies for congress. They are all set up with a pension while only serving 2 terms. Most people in the private sector have to work 25 years or more to even be eligible for pension and it is paultry in comparison to our elected officials.

Sorry, I lost my train of though and rambling but just disgusted with all of the political rhetoric and the people silly enough to vote for these idiots.
Okay, I understand what you are saying - sm
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I pretty much agree except for the comment about the Tea Party. Granted I don't even know why there is a TP. Whatever happened to individuals. Just because people are fed up with the republicans and democrats, but I think a lot of the TP's ideas you find a little in both parties. Wait, I may take that back I think. The tea party people are loathed by the democrats. The only reason I can think of as to why there is so much hatred towards them is that they want smaller government (which is a good thing), they don't want middle income to be taxed more, and they basically want the country to follow the laws set forth by our founding fathers. Call me naive maybe, but that's is what I believe about the people in the tea party. Granted I'm certainly no fan of Palin or Bachman, but there are so many other good people associated with them. Maybe the democrats loath them because issues are coming to light and if the TP was not there it could still be hidden in the closet, swept under a rug and nobody would be the wiser.

I understand your thoughts on gun control and the right to bear arms. I think that's a good thing even if I do not own a gun. But when you think about it if you take away the citizens right to bear arms and own guns, the gang members who have those machine guns certainly are not going to hand them over. No hunters don't use machine guns (kind of funny thinking about what it would look like if they did), but there is no reason why someone should not own a handgun. I would feel much safer against home invasion and intruders killing the people in their homes if we had a handgun. Here in my town we had a home invasion 3 times in the last 2 months. One owner was killed, another nothing happened and the third one the owner had a hand gun and was not afraid to use it. The burgler was caught and sent to prison. Crooks are not the only ones that use hand guns. Police, and other citizens do and its perfectly fine.

As for the freebies in congress I don't think that will ever end. That's why they get in their. Even Pelosi said to one of her colleages "If you were not a millionaire before you came here, you now will be" with the same sh** eating grin that Shumer had on his face when trying to cut down another American because of their political party.

The whole thing is disgusting. I guess that's why I don't vote. I'll have nothing to do with electing criminal politicians.

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