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I gently suggest

Posted: Mar 20, 2010

You gals of the right and even further right settle down a bit.  You are exhibiting the hysterical behavior and emotional irrationality that men used for centuries to deny us the right to vote. You may disagree with the President on philosophical grounds but your constant exaggeration and bodice ripping reflects poorly on your reasoning skills.  Please, for the sake of womenkind, stick to verifiable facts.



Oh, yeah, that'll settle 'em down. NM - Better put on your tin foil helmet

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I gather - mm

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you believe a call for national unity is a futile exercise.

No, just that you don't know how to make that call. - NM

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How arrogant! N/M - anon

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nothing arrogant about making - mm

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an observation about the brutal truth. To believe that a group of highly intelligent and dedicated people would knowingly scheme to destroy our nation (in which they themselves and their families reside) is absolute lunacy. Be skeptical, be concerned. Do not be hysterical. It makes you look hormone-driven.

your observation - xo

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If you can't believe a group of highly intelligent and dedicated people would knowingly scheme to destroy our nation........then tell me why the dems are so anxious to push this through without the support of the populace? And willing to do so many things that flaunt simple decency, honesty and the Constitution? Are you unwilling to look beyond what they say to what they actually do and what the potential pitfalls of the proposed bill are? And they and their families may reside here, but they won't be participating in anything but their health coverage they already already have.

Their idea is to gain more power and control for - anon

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themselves, but in the process they are destroying our nation. Your ridiculous statement about hormone-driven is the kind of statement a person pulls out when they cannot do better. I'm past the hormone-driven state, but obviously you are not. You are chiding people for having opinions that differ from yours, as if yours is the only one that counts. People on the right are not hormone-driven, they are on the right.
power and control. ... destroying our nation - mm
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See what I mean - right back to the crazy talk.
Can't you do better than accuse? Not much of an answer there. - anon
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It is not crazy talk to express my opinion. On the other hand, you do nothing but give nonsensical statements, hormonal, crazy talk, haven't seen anything of any substance out of you yet.

Sitting back and having to watch Obama destroy - the country, piece by piece, SHOULD

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make any concerned citizen hysterical at this point. Go preach to your own choir. This is not it.

But they don't live and follow the same rules we do - anon2

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They live in their own world. What they do, the decisions they make do not affect them and never will. They do not pay taxes like we do, they will not and ever will come within 2 feet joining the same crapcare plan they are trying to enslave the rest of the country in, and they have refused to allow us to join their health care plan. It is only for them. Their bonuses are not affected when corporate greed gets out of control because they benefit from it. When Nancy Pelosi says to an incoming democrat in welcoming them "If you were not a millionaire before, you soon will be".

No, they have their mansions, their cushy incomes (which they seem to always vote themselves a pay raise, late at night after the doors close), and they don't even vote. They just say it is so and give it to themselves. They have their pensions which will never be threatened as are the American peoples. They don't have to worry about where they are going to get the money for their next meal, or if they will be able to pay their rent or utilities. Because they don't live in the same world we do. Everything is paid for them by the tax payers (and did I mention they don't pay taxes).

You might want to do a little reading and learn what the meaning of "hysterical" is. You are using it incorrectly. You are confusing the word "concerned" with hysterical. They have two totally different meanings. Hormone-driven? That is about the childish thing I've ever heard. Because people are concerned about their future, their jobs, what this disastrous bill is going to do, and what is going on in politics you think that is hormone-driven? What are you 12?

And I would suggest you follow your own advice - The simple truth

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You gals/guys on the left need a little reality check here. Your words describe exactly the leftists. Words of hysterical behavior and emotional irrationality - yup, that's the left. When an established psychiatrist comes out and states that liberalism is a mental disorder and explains why, all the posts like this further support his research and how true that is. When someone posts some information or their opinion of what they have read, and they are immediately swooped upon (within minutes) and attacked and called all kinds of nasties, that shows the proof of what the psychiatrist wrote.

The simple truth is that liberals/leftists/progressives/socialists cannot handle people with a difference of opinion. You go into total mental meltdown as I see in this board and frantically try to discredit the information provided. You call people idiots, stupid, ignorant, and all other nasty names without proof that the information is incorrect. You'll try discredit economists, treasurers, governors, professors, and anyone else who has done research, who has worked in government but disagrees with the policies, etc, but you have no facts to back up your claims. You'll post information, then when it comes back later that that same information was a lie and cooking books and making up information/figures, you attack the poster and don't provide anything to back up your claims.

This President is getting exactly what the last President got...same signs with the joker face, same shouts of liar, same hitler mustache drawn on his face, same swastika signs, same name calling, same, same, same etc, etc, etc. I understand you think it's okay that President Bush was called all that, but it's not okay. You didn't like his spending and putting this country into a debt at the figure he did, but you give Obama a pass at continuing on and having tripled it, and somehow blame his new policies and spending on Bush? Huh???? Figure that one out. But you are okay with it simply because he is a democrat, and most likely you think you're going to get some of that free stuff he kept promising everyone.

You've lost all humanity when you are completely okay with changing the constitution, the Bill of Rights, and any other document the people who are currently in power are trying to do to try to legally pass whatever they want. You don't like the mention of our forefathers and what they did to fight for our country, what happened to them in the end because of trying to make this country a better place. And anyone who mentions Franklin, Washington, Adams or any of those other founding fathers names? Well their just crazy people. I'm sure you'd be fine also if they came out and said they now have the power to change the term of the president and he will just remain in power as does Castro and Chavez. That is as long as a democrat is in office you are okay with that.

The fact is that difference of opinion is a threat to you. You don't like the fact that elections are coming up this fall and that it looks (over 80%) that the current crowd will be fired. You are threatened that because of this administration people in America have woken up and for the first time in years (since before Bill Clinton even) people are getting more involved and knowledgeable about politics and just what our politicians are doing in Washington. Oooh...there's that big bad word again....knowledge. You are also threatened by the fact that we the people are the ones they are working for and we are learning that we have rights as citizens of this country. You would prefer everyone to sit back, be a good little robot, and do what they are told. Don't ever question anything, don't ever disagree, don't ever say anything. Just keep watching the programs they put on TV to dumb down America and just live with what they are doing to our country.

Sticking to verifiable facts? Nope you can't handle that either, as posters have posted links to places with verifiable facts. Just because you don't like what is being said does not mean it is not a fact.

You have just thrown "womenkind" back to the middle ages with a statement like this.

This is the year 2010. As that saying goes "I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to be ignored". The best thing about the time we are living in is that with the wonderful tool of the internet more people are educating themselves. More people are reading what is in this bill, what was in the stimulus bill, what is in all the bills (if they put them on the internet), what issues they are voting on, which politicians are doing the best job for their constituents, and which politicians are not working for their constituents but instead being bribed and bought for their votes.

This is a great time to be alive for "womenkind". We are better informed and know our rights. Sorry that seems to be too threatening to the liberals.

you know you could substitute - Myohmy

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right for left in your post and it would be exactly the way those on the right act/react/behave, etc. ROTFLMAO

Great post. - anon

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Very well stated. I don't think the American people used to have a clue what was going on by their representatives. Now with the internet and certain networks, we have become much better educated and we are appalled that we have been voting for these people, we just did not know it before. Many of them have character that is greatly lacking, all for themselves.

The majority of these people wouldn't give you the time - anon

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of day if they met you on the street, only when they are running for office or want something, so no reason to think they are your best friend. We need honest leadership, not deals and lies, etc.

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