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Daniel Hernandez Jr.

Posted: Jan 12, 2011

Thank you, Daniel Hernandez.   There is some hope in this world. 


President Obama's Speech - Beautiful - nm

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The end made me cry - and Gabby G opened her eyes!

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"I want us to live up to her expectations. I want our democracy to be as good as she imagined it. All of us - we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children's expectations.

Christina was given to us on September 11th, 2001, one of 50 babies born that day to be pictured in a book called "Faces of Hope." On either side of her photo in that book were simple wishes for a child's life. "I hope you help those in need," read one. "I hope you know all of the words to the National Anthem and sing it with your hand over your heart. I hope you jump in rain puddles."

If there are rain puddles in heaven, Christina is jumping in them today. And here on Earth, we place our hands over our hearts, and commit ourselves as Americans to forging a country that is forever worthy of her gentle, happy spirit.

May God bless and keep those we've lost in restful and eternal peace. May He love and watch over the survivors. And may He bless the United States of America."

Yes, I agree. I will be the first to say that - I am not a fan of the President

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or his policies, but for the first time since his campaign he talked like he was the President of ALL the United States and not just his left base. Whoever wrote that speech is brilliant and the President delivered it well, and at least for while he was giving it, I believed him. I believed he really wanted the country to unite and wants us to, in his words, not use this tragedy as yet another excuse to attack each other. I believe he meant it when he said it.

In the days going forward I hope he sticks to that. We needed our President to step up like President Bush did in the aftermath of 9-11, a strong leader to pull us together in the face of a national tragedy, and President Obama last night did a good job of that I thought.

For that I commend him, and I hope those on the left who have been fanning the divisive fire will follow his lead.

He was inspiring. What I found uncomfortable, though - was that cheering by those students

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at very inappropriate times for a memorial, like it was a college pep rally.. very immature and disrespectul of them.

I said the same thing to my husband. Didn't seem appropriate. nm - ndmt

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Actually, I think it made the President a little - uncomfortable too.

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and then he seemed to kind of get caught up in it for a minute and it sounded more like a rally than a memorial service. That being said, like I said above...don't agree with his policies and I am not a big fan, but last night he made me feel like, at least for last night, he cared about being my President too.

I have felt uncomfortable going to churches where they clap and cheer - but I got over it

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I don't think there are really rules for this. These are students and people who wanted to be together--celebrating life and expressing grief and letting out their emotions.

I didn't like the service - this was a memorial service - see message

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These are my opinions (for what they are worth).

This was a memorial service, not a sporting event or church event. This was not a happy happy rah rah event. This was a memorial for people's whose life was cut short by some crazed madman. There was nothing cheerful about the events leading up to this. Celebrate the people's life, but for pete's sake stop cheering and laughing like your at a sporting event.

I believe this service was politicized. Why napolitano or pelosi whas there who knows. They turned it into a political event rather than a memorial service to remember the people who died.

I did see Mr. Obama look uncomfortable at a couple moments. I felt he acted appropriately. I would have kept watching but once Napolitano got up to give her "speech", I felt that very inappropriate and turned the station.

I was disgusted by the whole "cheerleading and laughing". I feel bad for the families and friends of the victims lost and thought this was an inappropriate time for politicizing the tragedy. I hope the families will be able to have a quiet memorial service separate from this gala event last night.

Then again that is my own feelings. Guess being raised in New England in a quiet town where we didn't do this type of thing just makes me uncomfortable.
Yes, it was tacky! Those students should be ashamed - --so disrespectul. nm
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FYI Janet Napolitano is the former Gov of AZ - Pelosi is a co-worker and friend
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Where I come from, co-workers, neighbors, and bosses are expected to go to the funerals. The service was held in a stadium. I do think parents are remiss in not teaching their children more proper behavior, though, but not so old to be a bit more open minded.

I am appalled that Boehner chose not to attend, but instead went to a fundraiser. Now THERE is a priority.
Not true about Boehner.... - see inside
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see link...and try to verify stuff before you post it.


I guess President Obama's pleas last night for us to come together as a country fell on some very deaf ears. I said I hoped it would last...it didn't.

You must also be disappointed about the remark about Pelosi and Napalitono? - sm
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Boehner is reported as speaking for at least three minutes.

The Ohio Republican is holding a 7 p.m. cocktail reception Wednesday night for 168 RNC members, who are in the Washington area for an annual meeting. The event is sponsored by Boehner�s political action committee and will take place at Maryland�s National Harbor resort.
He did not "skip" the memorial in Arizona... - to go to a cocktail party.
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The article explains the reason he stayed in DC.

In the words of Rahm Emanuel...never let a good crisis go to waste. Just squeeze out every little petty spiteful piece of crap to sling...there is more falling back on you than landing on Boehner.
There was no reason for Boehner to attend - see message
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As far as I know, no politicians died. Napolitano is not the governor of AZ. The governor of Arizona was there as she should have been because she is also a friend of the congresswoman who is still alive. No reason for Napallo her to attend. As for Pelosi, okay, if she was a co-worker I can understand that. If she went there for political reasons then that is appalling.

This funeral was a political gala event for them all and nothing more.

The only reason your "appalled" that Boehner didn't attend is that he doesn't belong to "the club". As for why he didn't attend I don't know what he was doing. Even then it doesn't matter, he did not need to be there. If he was a democrat I'm sure you would think fund raisers (or anything else that he might have been at) are more important. Are you as appalled that Obama didn't attend services at past events like Arlington cemetery and instead sending Biden in his place so he could go golfing. No, I highly doubt it.

Since this tragedy was not political the government had no business being there to do their politics. This was supposed to be a memorial for civilians that died tragically. Not a sports or political event. It was disgusting and disgraceful they turned it into one with their chearleaders rah rah-ing it and groups wearing political t-shirts to the event. Not political? Yeah right.

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