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Chillary meets with Fauxcahontas

Posted: Feb 17, 2015


Hillary has secret meeting with Warren

'To solicit advice from the rising Democratic star'


Oh, boy, this is going to be fun!


What's really going to be fun? - sm

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The real fun will be watching the dozen or so GOP candidates standing at the podium trying to explain away some of the stupid things they've said and looking like fools. Rand Paul has recently claimed that he had 2 degrees that he actually does not have, and then there's that plagiarism issue that still dogs him.

Before anyone cries "deflection," just let me say that any talk of presidential candidates naturally includes both parties, and I think the real fun that the OP mentions is actually going to occur on the side of the GOP where the clown car actually is.

I'm not a big fan of Bobby Jindal, but he sure hit the mark dead center when he said that the Republican party needed to "stop being the stupid party." With every passing day and every silly thing I see them doing and saying, it appears to me that no one is taking Governor Jindal's advice (including himself).

Such a shame - anonie

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It is such a shame people can't see through the Democrats and Mr. O. They keep defending all of them and they are so deluded.

I cannot believe you think Chillary Clinton could ever possibly become president after that Bengazi thing. Honestly, I would not trust she would stop a nuclear weapon that was coming directly at our country. Would you?

You must have misread the post. - sm

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Nowhere in the post does it defend Mr. O or any Democrat, let alone "all of them." In addition, nowhere in the post do I express an opinion one way or the other whether I believe "Chillary Clinton" could ever possibly become president.

In answer to your question: Yes, I do trust that Hillary Clinton would at least attempt to stop a nuclear weapon that was coming directly at our country, and I also happen to think that any POTUS, regardless of party, would also attempt to do the same.

Speaking of that Benghazi thing, it's sad that 4 Americans had to lose their lives half way around the world, but I for the life of me can't understand why the right-wing has become so unhinged about it. Perhaps they are believing right-wing propaganda like Mitt Romney did? Can you imagine the finger-pointing and level of outrage from the right-wing attack machine if approximately 3,000 people were murdered right here on American soil during President Obama's administration? Who knows how unhinged they'd become? Scary thought, really. One thing I do know for a fact, though, is that after that 9/11 thing, the Republican administration handled that thing extremely poorly the way they did, what with the multiple instances of lying (you know, where you can't trust them again after that), so much so that I will never, ever vote for a Republican again as long as I live.
Good, will never vote Democrat as long as I live - because of the endless O lies, "you know
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where you can't trust him again". You do know O was voted as having the biggest lie historically.

What's REALLY a shame is that most of the - people that worship the - sm

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Republican "leaders" as gods are usually the same bunch that still think the world is flat.

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