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Boy Scouts consider lifting ban

Posted: Jan 28, 2013

on gay scout leaders, giving each local organization power to adopt their own policy.  I say that is a good start.  Gay does NOT = pedophile.  


I say that is good for the scouts, as for the leaders... - sm

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It's only a good thing as long as it is out in the open and every parent knows that the scout leader, who will be alone at times with the boys, is gay. Every parent should have the right to decide whether or not they want their child in that troop.

Every scout should have the opportunity to go through scouting. It's a wonderful experience every child deserves.

I really hate the implication - grits

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that men, gay or straight, can't be trusted and have no control over themselves if left unsupervised.

It's the only responsible thing to do - sm

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I never implicated they can't be trusted or have no control. I have a gay friend and yes I would trust him to take my son on an overnight. Not all are trusting, not all are bad. Each case is individual.

But, it is the responsible thing to do to inform the parents of their child's troop leader, whether they are gay straight, man, woman, drug user, or whatever.

When my son goes on an outing at his friends house on the weekends, I want to know his parents. Who are they, are they going to be there, are they dope users, do they have a criminal record, what are their personal lives like, i.e. are they someone I trust to be taking care of my son. There should be no difference between that and knowing whether or not my son's troop leader, whom at times they will be away from civilization camping is straight, gay, dope user, or criminal.

It's the only responsible thing...to know who exactly people (whether it be friends parents, teachers, priests, or scout leaders) are that are going to be closely involved with my son when I am not there to supervise him.

Besides if a person, gay, straight, drug dealer, pedofile, or priest is trying to hide this information and doesn't want me to know this information you gotta ask the question, why?
Perhaps not, and I didn't intend to single you out personally - grits
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I can understand your point. But when you put "gay" right next to "pedophile," criminal," "drug dealer," and "dope user," that says a lot. Dropping "straight" in there doesn't really dilute the message.

You mean kind of like gun control? - nm

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No, I don't - grits
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The two can't be compared.

One-on-one situations aren't allowed anyway - RC

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Gay or not, so that's not really an issue.

I agree.. - OMO

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Every boy should have that opportunity if he wants it but I think it's horrible for people to label a young boy as a homosexual when it's a choice in life, as all sexual behavior is. I don't buy the "born that way" baloney.

Just because you deny science... - really?

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...doesn't make it so.
Science is wrong on a daily basis...LOL - OMO
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Gay and pederasty ARE 2 entirely different things. Scouting - draws pederasts like flies, as bad

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as church ministries, and the leadership already has to keep a very close eye out for predators. I don't see this doing anything but opening up a new group from which leaders great with children can be drawn.

It also does not equal Boy Scout. - More wussifying of America.

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You haven't seen many gay men. - RC

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I assure you, there are MANY who could bench press our husbands (unless of course said husbands happen to be obese TV watchers...non-wussies, I suppose you'd say).

Being able to bench press... - OMO

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doesn't make you more acceptable. If you engage in this behavior, I don't care what your physical abilities are, you're not going to be around my sons if you announce your behavior.
The subject at hand was "wussifying." - RC
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If your sons are gay, they're gay. If they're not - grits
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then no amount of exposure will turn them gay. It's not contagious.

And with that, I'm done feeding the troll.
A year or 2 ago I might have agreed with you, (sm) - I'm with her
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but now all of a sudden, the schools, the military, everywhere you go, they are all over the place, sometimes parading and making fools of themselves (not all, just some). I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden there are 50 times more gays than 2 or 3 years ago. That's just not true.
I think they are more open to come out now... - I don't think it matters, anyway.
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I don't think most gay people are out there having gay sex because they're fake-gay. What would be the point in that? If they weren't turned on by the kind of sex they're having, they wouldn't be having it.

And anyway, who cares if they are? I don't care who anyone has sex with, as long as they're adult and consenting. Beyond that, strap yourself to the ceiling if you want to and have sex with the neighborhood. It's none of my business, and I'm busy doing my own thing.
No, it's just too many all of a sudden. Half the teens coming out are - on drugs. That explains it.
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Drugs make people gay? - LOL
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Makes them act like they are - - Reading difficulties?
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You have no idea what you're talking about - and that's pretty funny!
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I hope I don't have any reading difficulties, because I'd hate to miss another gem like that!

Drugs don't make people gay or "act" gay. What on earth are you talking about?
you must have been absent earlier in the day - nm
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I'm proud that we're finally fostering a climate - grits
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where more people feel safe revealing who they are (and always were). That's a good thing. If the numbers seem to be rising, that's because the closets are emptying, and it's about time.
If I were allowed to respond... - tvc15
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I would say that it's not nice to characterize gays as parading around. I would also share that the gay population hovers around 10% and has not changed in the last, say, hundred years. But I'm not allowed to respond. So nevermind. Carry on with your intolerance. We love it here.
Women for breast cancer parade around. - Is that slur too? I think not. PC is **.
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Is that a scientific number? 50x? - just wondering
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It may not equal pedophile... - OMO

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but it certainly equals abnormal and not someone I would intentionally allow my young sons around.

I have deleted a lot of replies - please read - Moderator

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This message has gone way off target of the original message of the boy scouts and more into the lifestyle of gays/heterosexuals. I have deleted what I believe were messages not pertaining to the subject matter.

Please realize that not everyone agrees with that. It is everyone's right to agree disagree, but was finding more insults and condescending remarks.

If you want to discuss the OPs message do that. Just realize not everyone agrees and sometimes its better to just skip those messages then be snarky and condescending to them.

reprehensible waste of our time and yours - nm

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I understand, but would you mind if I - repost (sm)

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the fact that homosexuality is not unhealthy, i.e., heterosexually can also be unhealthy? If you allowed the post stating homosexuality is unhealthy and, therefore, pertinent to the Boy Scouts, I would appreciate the opportunity to point out another respective viewpoint as it pertains to health.

Thank you :-)

our input is not welcome here - tvc15

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there was a wealth of important information in this thread dealing with mental and physical health. There was an abundance of thoughtful, intelligent responses. It is pitiful they were deleted.

I mind - ---

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Adding to the conversation with reason and intelligence in the interest of freedom and tolerance for all Americans is not acceptable. There are plenty of acceptable threads to choose from, as long as you do not upset the applecart by defending the character of the president or coming out in favor of gun control.

Your input is most welcome here - Moderator - sm

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If it pertains to what was being discussed. In the past I had been accused of deleting posts, but not going back far enough to delete the original post that started it. So I took posters advice and went to the source of the original posts that went off topic.

If you have an opinion you would like to share, please do. All opinions are welcome. For those who felt their post was wrongly deleted, my apologies. I was trying to keep it on topic. Unfortunately, if I delete a post that has nothing to do with the subject matter, all replies are deleted too. There is no way to keep the replies and delete the original post.

All posters should know that not everyone agrees or disagrees with this. Sometimes its better to skip those posts and keep condescending snippy remarks to yourself then post them to be deleted.

If you feel your opinion is pertinent to the subject matter, by all means, do post. We would love to hear what you have to say.

I appreciate your explanation - OP
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The door was opened regarding homosexuality being unhealthy. IMO, that post should also be deleted if a post countering it, just stating that heterosexual intercourse can also be healthy. I don't think I was snippy in that post. Maybe it was off-topic, but I wasn't the one who took it in that direction; the one I responded to did.

In any case, just want you to know I do appreciate this forum and your patience :-)
Sorry, I didn't mean you in particular were snippy - Moderator - sm
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There were a lot of posts that got really bad against people that didn't agree with them. It sounds like your post was respectful.

This topic is a difficult one. Hard to know where to draw the line, but ask I kept reading the replies were getting worse and worse. Unfortunately in between there were some good messages, but it got lost.

I was reading the post in question you mentioned. I missed that one. It is offensive so has been deleted.
Thank you for being so responsive. - Same poster
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You are doing an awesome job... considering what you have to deal with here (I'll include myself in that bunch--at times, anyhow!).
preserving replies... - sm
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All you have to do is edit the original post, as has been done in the past, like this: *********. This would preserve the ensuing conversation.

I was impressed by the number of even-handed responses in the presence of some very nasty posts. These responses could have easily been preserved.
You are correct. I do make mistakes. - Moderator - sm
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Looking back that is what I should have done and is what I will do in the future.

I do make mistakes.
Don't we all. - grits
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I appreciate your coming back to explain what happened and your thought process, and also that you take our comments into consideration for the future.

After this explanation, I'm rather shocked at some posts that weren't - deleted, hence deemed

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acceptable and not condescending.


yup. - nm

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you missed one - sm

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by deleting replies... - tvc15

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you obstruct fruitful rebuttal and the chance for debate and exchange of ideas. The thread was long on thoughtful and short on snark. We are now left with a thread where misinformation is unchecked and unanswered.

I want to clarify something - Moderator - sm

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If you want to discuss the original topic of the boy scouts and what that was about that's perfectly acceptable or if you reply agreeing or disagreeing.

What I tried to do was go to the original posts that went off topic.

The topics started going off into asking people if they agree with oral sex, or procreation, gun control and a whole slew of other topics not related to the original post. People were not just disagreeing, they were getting condescending because others felt a different way, and started making it personal.

If you want to repost anything that pertains to the subject the OP posted about or replying to others that's one thing. If you want to talk about the health implications of one style or another that's not for this board. There is a health board. I was just deleting posts that started in with agreeing or disagreeing about the lifestyle, what kind of sex is okay or not or gun control. None of that has anything to do with the boy scouts.

If I missed a few posts, sorry, had to work on a report. I will check the site again.

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