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Bail outs - I've had it

Posted: May 25, 2010

Seems these days everyone is getting bailed out.  And it's all at our expense.

I have never (thankfully) had to use any gov't program but since they want to bail out everyone, where's our MT bailout? 

We have lower rates, rarely health insurance and most get no pension.  So, when is it our turn to be bailed out?

I'm sorry about the teachers but they work 9 months a year with all major holidays off.  Must be nice to be off every summer.  The teachers where I went to school make aorund 65K a year and they still complain.  Give me a frickin' break. 

I just want the bailouts to stop.  None of us is guaranteed our gov't will help us when the majority of us are laid off because of EMRs, etc. 

Just my 2 cents, which as far as our gov't is concerned, doesn't count.

Welcome to Marxism, Socialism and Communism.  I truly hope none of you are supporting any of that. 

Anyone who thinks our gov't has their best interest at heart is sorely mistaken. 

The middle class' back is breaking and it's almost broken.  I just simply cannot afford to keep carrying the poor on my back. 

Here's one quote from Jesus regarding poverty. 

Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless. Ecclesiastes 5:10

I'm a Christian and follow the Bible as best I can.  There's nothing about redistribution of wealth, entitlement programs, bail outs, cap and trade on an invisible gas nobody can show that exists, etc.  There *are* quotes about saving a little money each day to help yourself out. 

Folks, face it - the judicial, legislative and the executive office are the only ones benefitting. 

Think before you vote next time and every time after that.





You're right! Elections do have consequences... - JTBB

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Just look at the mess caused by electing Bush...twice.

"...an invisible gas nobody can show that exists?" What's that stuff you're breathing? Good grief! You question substances that have been scientifically proven to exist, but then you ramble on and on about your god, of whose existence there is absolutely no proof.

Obama, a victim of Bush's failed promises. sm - LVMT

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Well-written OP by a liberal Democrat.


Could you please...... - JTBB

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point me to something about this guy that shows he's a liberal democrat?

God.... - sam

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It is called faith in things unseen. Like the faith you have that the complex human body evolved when some slimy one-celled amoeba crawled out of the slime onto the ground and then what? Just developed into a human being. Or are you a subscriber to the big bang theory? Even more faith required for that one. You keep your evolution from slime and big bang theories and the faith in scientists, I will ramble on about my God who by the way...promises eternal life. Not that you care now. Sometime that may change. And while my faith in Him does not prove He exists....your lack of belief in Him does not prove He does not. If you are right, I am just dead at the end of this life, like you will be. If I am right, I will be with my Father in Heaven when I pass this life. And you will still be just dead. You really think we are born into this life, live, and just die and that's it? Really?? No wonder you are so angry. I should know tho...I used to be too.

Funny how folks like yourself get all upset about a God who does not even exist in your estimation. Why should that make you so angry? Ever thought about that? Why would you fight so hard and rail against something that does not even exist? Why waste your time? Simple answer...you wouldn't.

You are exhibiting faith in what scientists tell you, and what scientists have written in books. We are exhibiting faith in what God has told us through His disciples through His Book. There is absolutely no difference. There is no "proof" of the big bang...just theory. There is absolutely no "proof" that we evolved from a one-cell amoeba...just theory. You denounce us for having faith in God yet you put all your faith in "science."

The Bible talks about that too...first you have to get the plank out of your own eye before you point out the splinter in other's eyes.

Have a great day, JTBB!

I'm not questioning the existence of god here.... - JTBB

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What I am questioning is your inability to have faith in one thing and not another....in particular when "the other" provides proof. Science doesn't belong in the "faith" category. You seem to not believe things like the dangers of carbon monoxide for example. If you breath carbon monoxide what happens (I would point to suicide cases of monoxide poisoning)? Do you believe people who reportedly died from that really died from something else? Cases like this are not only in books and rumors from scientists. They are proven cases.

I really don't understand your logic in this issue.
I was not the one who said the gases did not exist.... - sam
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I did not make the post about a gas that does not exist. I know carbon dioxide exists. I am somewhat dubious about global warming, however. Not even the illustrious scientists can agree on whether or not it exists, and if it does, how much damage it is doing. All it is, my friend, is a multimillion dollar business.

One thing that faith in God provides that faith in anything else does not...is hope for a better day. When it looks the blackest, I have hope. I love the way Emily Dickinson described it: "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all."

I will tell you, JTBB, faith in God and trust in His promises is why I am happy whatever circumstances I find myself in. Before I knew Him, I felt pretty bleak most of the time and every day's headlines just made it worse. But you know what? To quote a Gaither song, because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Why? Because I know He holds the future.

I once stood right where you are and put my faith in man and had no hope. The instant I put my faith in God, there was hope. Now I still get angry sometimes at what is happening to my country because I love my country and I believe she is blessed above other countries. How long she will continue to be, I cannot know.

But no matter what happens...He will see me through it, and that includes carbon dioxide and global warming or anything else man and his bright ideas can bring on. It includes anything George Bush did or that Obama is doing. It includes that nutjob in Iran and the professional political nutjobs that have taken over Washington. He promised that He would, and I believe Him. Belief leads to faith and hope. All three intertwined. Such a simple and beautiful thing. I still don't know why I fought against it so hard for so many years and am amazed that He just kept knocking until I answered. That, my friend, is truly amazing grace.

God bless you! :)

Isn't Ecclesiastes St. Paul? - ginger

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If you follow the bible shouldn't you know that?

Jesus always seemed like a bit of a hippie to me.

Whoops, sorry, we're both wrong. - ginger

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Ecclesiastes is part of the old testament.

I only went to parochial school for a few years--my bad.

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