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Melt gallstones?

Posted: Jun 2, 2011

I just found out I have gallstones which explains a rather persistent terrible pain I've been having for quite some tome.  I know surgery is the usual treatment.  I don't really mind the idea of surgery other than the fact that I have a blood condition with a lot of antibodies and am concerned that if I ran into trouble on the table and needed blood that I wouldn't be a candidate for it.  Docs have tried before to give me blood, but I can't be matched, even the Red Cross hasn't been able to find a match type for me.  So, I'd kind of like to avoid surgery entirely and have heard of ways to melt gallstones.  My question to anyone on this board is do you know of any way to do this?  I have read that drinking lemonade will melt gallstones and there is a medication that may or may not melt cholesterol stones.  I have no experience with any of these things and would appreciate your input.  Thank you in advance.  God Bless.


Try a gallbladder flush (sm) - anon

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Might be worth a try.

Thank you - Jan

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Thank you. Just about anything is worth a try for this. I like the site you posted. I will give this a try. Again, thank you.

The gallbladder flush has been debunked. - Pain

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indicates inflammation. Be careful. It would take a long time to change the ph of your system to eliminate gallstones without surgery.

have you tried - cindy

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talking to a gastroenterologist? I do not think anything will melt gallstones. Although, if surgery is what you need, you can donate blood ahead of time designated for you. That way if you need blood, you will be able to get your own blood. When I had my gallbladder removed about 23 years ago, I went in ahead of the surgery and donated blood about a week ahead of time so that if I needed blood, I knew there would not be a problem and did not have to worry about where the blood came from, etc. I wish you luck. I had my gallbladder out the old way, cut wide open, did not have laparoscopy back then, but I have heard that the scope is so much easier now a days that if you have to stay in the hospital now, it is usually only one night and the recovery is so much faster. Wishing you well.

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