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Posted: Feb 9, 2010

I put this here because I don't feel it's really a health issue, and I wonder if anyone else has insomnia and how bad it is.

I do get insomina, fairly frequently, but have never not slept for more than 1 night and then maybe I'll sleep 2-4 hours for the next few nights before I finally sleep normally.

I just went thru literal torture these past few days.  I had been waking up early, then, Friday, I woke up at 3:00 a.m.  I figured I'd sleep well that night.  Never made it.  Worked Saturday, tried to go to bed, never slept.  Same with Sunday.  I had even spent 5 hours shoveling snow (our official total was 20-22 inches) Sunday and figured that would definitely knock me out.

I went to my doc and saw his PA, Leo, yesterday.  I've never seen Leo look so concerned.  Oh, during this whole process, due to lack of sleep and stress, I got canker sores all over my mouth.  Ouch.  I had been up 70 hours when I saw Leo.  I didn't bother to shower and had on the same clothes I had worn the day before, didn't even wash my face or brush my hair - just pulled it back.  I just didn't care and I hurt so darned bad from all that snow shoveling (even my fingers and hands hurt), it would just have been too painful to change them.  I had mild hallucinations - seeing things out of the corner of my eye or what looked like a candy wrapper on the carpet but it wasn't there when I went to pick it up.  Scary.  I have little memory of the past few days.

Leo gave me some viscous Lidocaine for my mouth, which is nasty, but helps a little, and an Rx for Ambien CR.  I got home, fed the dogs, did a couple of things and sat on the couch.  My husband went to take a nap.  Bumper was on my lap, twitching, and Maggie was next to me, snoring up a storm.  I knew they had to go out for a walk so I asked them if they were ready.  Bumper twiched a couple more times, Maggie snored louder.  I asked them 4 or 5 times if they had to go, no response.  I finally went to stand up to go get their leashes and that's where I hit a wall.  All of the sudden, I just could not move.  It was like I knew my brain was just going to shut off and I had no say in the matter.  I hurried and shorted my cigarette, put my head back (I was sitting) and closed my eyes.  And I hadn't even taken the Ambien.  It was a terrible experience. 

My husband woke me around 11 to go to bed but I refused.  I just could not move and I was freezing.  He told me to at least lie down rather than sit but I didn't want to move and it would have just been to much to move, let along make the dogs rearrange their positions.  Hubby gets mad at me when I get insomina because I'm not quite as "with it" during the day.  I cannot understand this.  I know he wants a functional wife and I want to be one but it's not like I pray all day long that I won't be able to sleep.  I'm actually rather more of a sleep worshiper.

Anyone else suffer from any insomnia, and has it ever gotten really bad?  I know I would have slept until about 3:00 this afternoon if I didn't have to get up for work. 




You have my sympathy - Old part-timer

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I initially read this because I've been having some trouble lately sleeping through the night (hot flashes). But I'm not in your league. Hopefully someone can give you some input, but I have nothing to offer you except sympathy.

I've been a sleep-deprived person for years. - Backwards Typist

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I get these periods where I can't fall asleep until around 10-11 p.m. and wake up at 1 a.m. feeling rarin' to go, like I had a full night's sleep. Can't go back to sleep after that, but fall asleep while working. Hate that. This goes on for months, then I'm back to normal.

My mom had a problem like that. Her doc told me to give her melatonin. It worked for her. She slept the whole night after that. I haven't tried it because I'm not a 'pill person' (don't even take vitamins).

Maybe, just maybe this may help you. It wouldn't hurt to try it and it's not expensive either.

Sleep - Vikefan

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Tried melatonin, Benadryl, etc. I guess my body is just beyond that kind of medication. That Ambien CR works like a charm. I found out insomnia is caused by stress, family history, anxiety and depression, all of which I have.

I feel for you. I suffer from insomnia - to a point, but

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not quite to the extent that you just went through. I will have periods where I cannot get to sleep until around 3 or 4 in the morning and then be awake again at 6 or 7 a.m. This will go on for a couple of weeks and then things seem to even out and I go back to sleeping normally.

I have tried melatonin, which doesn't work well for me at all, but if I am able to sleep after taking it, I have nightmares.

I have also tried Ambien, but it makes me do things in my sleep that I'm not aware of the next day (making phone calls at 4 in the morning, COOKING!), so it scares me quite a bit to take it.

I wish you luck. I don't have any insurance right now, so I can't get back to the doctor to get a new script for something else to try and get relief. Right now I'm having to just use OTC stuff, which doesn't help much and leaves me feeling very groggy. My boyfriend also has trouble sleeping due to stress from a personal situation. His doctor prescribed him trazodone and Xanax. Once he takes them he has about 15-20 minutes and then he's out for the night. Lucky dog!

alprazolam 2 mg q.h.s. -- thus my name - XanaX

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i can be exhausted beyond words and still unable to sleep. been this way for years. insomnia is a real diagnosis, which my family and friends do not seem to understand. i describe it as "my off switch is broken." you can call me at 5 a.m. and i would be just as chipper as at noon if i don't take my meds. i am truly jealous of people who yawn. i have no idea what tired is, exhausted yes, but not tired.

i can get 120 alprazolam 2 mg for around $25 at walmart. ambien is way too expensive. what's fun about ambien is when you take two instead of the recommended dosage of one, the TV turns into 3-D and the images reach out about 10 feet like you can touch them.

Trazodone is a great med to help you - sleep SM

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I use it because of fibro. It works very well. Not habit forming. You should talk to your doc about this.

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