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static electricity

Posted: Jan 24, 2011

Does anyone else out there have terrible static electricity in the winter?  It is so bad right now and I have so much static in my hair and clothes that when I am using my earphones to type, I am getting electric shocks in my ears.  It is getting really painful.  The other night the electric shock bounced back and forth between my right and left ears about five times.  I feel like I am wearing a defibrillator on my head!!  Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this or prevent it?  TIA


We used to have it BAD when we lived with wall-to-wall carpet. - Hayseed

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It was fun as a kid...I remember shuffling my feet on the floor and zapping my brother wicked hard. Some of those sparks were HUGE! :D

Some things that worked in the past were increasing the humidity somehow (humidifier or boiling water on stove) and rubbing fabric softener sheets on anything that zaps ya...even your hair! Static Guard is okay but kinda pricey--the sheets work just as well.

:) Good luck!

Unfortuneatly, I have hardwood floors, so it is not the carpet and - cindy

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I have some static guard and have sprayed it on a hairbrush and then brushed it into my hair like it says to on the can, but aside from smelling like bug spray afterwards, it made my scalp itch, as I have very sensitive skin. I can not use a humidifier in the house as my oldest son has very bad allergies and the allergist said not to ever use a humidifier around him at all again because it will make his allergies worse. I do not use fabric softner sheets, so do not have any to try that but may try buying a box, but again, I am worried about itching.

I used to shock my brother too when I was younger. We get it so bad in our house now, that last year when my dog was alive, he would sleep with us on the bed at night and he used to dream a lot. When he would wag his tail in his sleep, against the comforter, if you were awake, you would literally see the sparks flying from wagging his tail! LOL. Guess I am between a rock and a hard shock! HAHA

Some things that have helped me - sm

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I've started keeping a cloth next to my sliding glass door because I got sick and tired of getting shocked every time I touched the metal part of the doot to open it to let my dog out, LOL!

But some things that have helped me were running a wire hanger back and forth over my clothes to help get static cling out of them. I also read somewhere about keeping hands moist, so I'm using a lot more hand lotion these days.

I'm not sure, but I think there are some dryer sheets that are supposed to be perfume free or hypoallergenic or something.
We fasten a safety pin in the hem of our skirts, blouses, etc. (nm) - Yochana
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