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Posted: Oct 16, 2010

I don't dislike them, but I don't really like them.  There are a couple that I do, but for the most part, not really.  I like my sister in law a lot, she is fun to hang out with and generally a sweetheart.  The father and mother in law are very negative and gossipy.  Whenever we go over there, it is a gossip fest about someone.  The father in law is very ignorant and talks negatively about Mexicans.  I just keep quiet and respectful but really dread  going over there.  If they talk about others, I know they are talking about me behind my back, in fact, its quite obvious.  They live about 20 minutes away, so I almost feel obligated to visit.  If it were up to me, I would see them twice a year at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Father in law is just very weird.  He sent a naked picture of himself with a banana over his private parts once to my husband, and his sense of humor is just "off." 


INLAWS - Nature

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When I divorced my husband, one of the best things was not having to be around my in-laws. The did not like me from the first time they met me and made my life miserable. My FIL was very superstitious. Once he saw me cross under my horses neck to get to the other side. He told me that everytime I did that was 1 week longer I would carry my baby (I was pregnant at the time). I told him that I was going to carry the baby into my 50s then. He would walk into my house without knocking (he owned the ranch we ran). My MIL told me that she did not think I loved my husband like I should. I did love him, but he was abusing me in every way possible. Of course I was not going to tell her that. My FIL once told me there was not anything he could think of that was good about me (with my husband just standing there not saying anything to defend me). It was a long 15 years. I now live within 10 miles of them, but never see them, which I am very thankful for.

YUCK!! - nm

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in-laws - truffle

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What a shame! My in-laws have always been so good to me and shower me with love. It's a real blessing because I grew up in an abusive household. I wouldn't say that we are close because we don't spend lots of time together, but there is genuine love and respect for which I am thankful. I'm sorry you don't have that. :(

I am so sorry - Lucky DIL

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I feel sort of as if I won the "in-law lottery." My mother-in-law is a total sweetheart, and her boyfriend of many years is as well. At first I avoided meeting her because I'm closer to her age than to her son's (my husband) and thought she would be harsh and judgmental. On the contrary, the first time I met her, which was at a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner after my husband and I had been together for over a year, she toasted me in front of the entire family and their friends that were present, thanked me for making her son finally happy with his life, and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I was STUNNED. She's treated me as nothing less than a daughter ever since and I have nothing but respect and positive things to say about her, too.

Now, on the other hand, my poor husband LOST the "in-law lottery." My parents sound like your in-laws and since my husband is multiracial I always squirm when my parents bring up the race card. My mother also used to go out of her way to be rude to my husband even before we got married. My father isn't too bad but sometimes loses track of the fact that not everyone is white (eye roll) and that some of his comments are bordering on offensive; however, he's always been friendly and accepting of my husband and has never disrespected him to my knowledge.

In-laws...it really is like a lottery, in that you'll never know if you'll win or lose til you spin the wheel, lol!

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