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Valentines day

Posted: Feb 11, 2010

Having just recovered (financially) from the winter holidays, getting cruddy pay from my job, I declared in my home that I will no longer be "celebrating" VD. 

I told my kids, my husband, my mom, DIL, SIL, grandkids... (the usual ppl who I usually get cards, candy and flowers for)  that VD is only an invented commercial holiday that makes us feel obligated to buy stuff for our families and if we don't that means we don't love them.  I was pleasantly surprised that my family feels the same!  I love them everyday and let them know that! 

I approximate that I wll be saving anywhere from 150 to 200 dollars.  Whew!  



you are so fortunate - selfishbrewd

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I never get a valentines day anything but my whole darn family expects a nice dinner and gifts. Last year I told them that it was not in the budget and I swear it was the worst mistake of my life. I think the 18-year-old poured cologne on my toothbrush!

I am with you! - tired

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Due to finances this year (DH lost his job and with the economy is not working yet) we won't be buying gifts for each other.

I don't need a holiday to know that he loves me and same for him.

He did say that he would cook dinner on VD this year....which is super NICE. I'm always the cook, and I don't mind at all (love to cook) but it will be nice to kick back and relax for the day (after work, of course).

Right on - that last time we celebrated was... - see message

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the year after we were married (30+ years ago). VD is very over-rated. Also, isn't it funny that it's also an acronym for what you might get by celebrating it (with people you don't know of course) LOL

I think VD has to be the worst of the worst. All these commercials try to make you feel guilty if you don't spend money on crap.

Since we know our sweethearts love us (hence the special day of "Anniversary") there is no use for VD.

VD - mj

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As I was reading this there was a commercial on the radio saying:
"Chocolate lasts a day, roses a week, but a diamond lasts forever. Show HER you love her forever". No pressure on the guys right?!! GEEZ! I'm with you. Down with VD!!! (and really, who's gonna eat the whole box of chocolate in one day?! We're shallow and piggish??)

We don't usually go - all out for VD

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DH and I don't buy gifts for VD. We give cards and maybe some candy to the kids.

This year we're pawning the kids off on gramma and grampa and spending the whole weekend at home alone! We're cooking dinner, renting some movies...if we get around to them ;0), and just chillin at home ALONE!!!

I agree, very commercial. And what about Easter and gifts??? - Too much!

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These holidays are being sold as another gift-buying "opportunity". Has anyone else noted that in the last few years, Easter has become another toy-giving holiday? All the stores have toy sales leading up to the holiday. Candy, of course, will rot the kids teeth. So why not buy them bikes instead! (That is, if your Christmas debt is paid off by spring.)

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