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So what did you all think of the FTWD premiere?

Posted: Aug 24, 2015



I was disappointed - TWD fan

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After it aired last night, I was going to post here about my disappointment, but changed my mind. It was good, just not as good. I know it will get better and it will take time to explain how it all started. I did enjoy the Talking Dead, and the 5 Sundays leading up to the new show. There are only 6 episodes, originally I thought there were 8.

I liked it. I like the idea of seeing how it all began and - WD MT

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getting a sense of the fear and mayhem that must have ensued - the government and media lying to the public, the breakdown of law and order, etc. In the original, we never actually see any of that - Rick wakes up from his coma and it has all happened and now they are just surviving.

So FTWD will be interesting I think. It didn't grab me like the original did, but I will keep watching.

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