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New quake has just hit Tokyo and they say that it is (sm)

Posted: Mar 11, 2011

stronger than the quake that hit New Zealand but did not say what magnitude. 


It was very strong, 6.6!!! NM - anon

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God be with us all... - justme

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that's all....

Gotta agree, earthquakes happening, floods, (sm) - anon

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protests today in Saudi Arabia, what is happening in Libya and other parts of the Middle East, the prostests that are happening in WI, price of gas skyrocketing, groceries skyrocketing, the number of people unemployed, losing their homes ....when will it all stop or will it???

As you said, God be with us all.

wake up call - justme

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I know that Revelation says that no one, not even the angels in Heaven know when the world will end except God himself, but I think He is sending us a wake up call. We need to get our homes, our families and our hearts in order.

That's just me though.
I agree just me... - Cassie
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this world is a terrible place to live these days...corruption in government, terrible sinful man-made laws dealing with abortion and homosexuality, financial catastrophes, floods and earthquakes...They're all signs for sure.
Now is the time to start living like you fear God...it is coming to an end nm - anon
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I have seen this coming for years, but.... - anony
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everybody thought I was nuts or just a religious prophecy flake. Now it is on our doorstep and still only a few are seeing the signs. He says not to fear during these times, even if the ground crumbles around our feet, but it is hard not to. Blessings to all. Stay safe every one.
eternity - AA
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Well, to put things in perspective, life here on earth is for a very short time, but eternity is forever. So, being able to look forward to eternity with our heavenly father helps to put things in perspective.
What I believe - - Mother Nature
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I don't believe God makes earthquakes and tsunamis and takes people out here and there on a whim, or because they've "sinned".

I think he made the earth for us to live on. He gave us that, and it has everything we could possibly need. But for such an entity as the Earth to even exist in its current form, it comes with natural features that are inherent risks to life. The beautiful mountains we love so much wouldn't exist without fault lines, and fault lines don't exist without earthquakes. We need the oceans, snow, rivers, creeks, trees, hillsides, and animals, but each one of those things can be deadly in its own way, under certain circumstances.

We were also given a certain amount of innate intelligence, which is why our species evolved to where it did, and of course, the nature of evolution is slow and not always perfect. (Just like lots of people!)

There's a balance in nature, and sometimes that balance doesn't seem fair, especially if we're on the receiving end of nature's darker aspects. We can't control nature, and attempts to do so often make things worse. Dams to control rivers can fail. Preventing all forest fires can result in so much density and deadfall that finally a mega-fire takes out everything, not just part of the forest. And so on and so forth.

All we can do is try to understand the Earth's rhythms, and prepare as best we can for the eventuality of major natural disasters. Japan did an amazing job of this in terms of their strict building codes. I was completely amazed when I saw how hard, and how long, it shook, and the relative lack of damage to tall buildings in Tokyo. The same intensity earthquake in downtown L.A., Seattle, Portland, etc., will not be so collapse-free as Tokyo's was.

But did God send these disasters to these people on purpose? No. Did they do something to somehow deserve what is happening? No. It just happened.
I agree to a point-- - Cassie
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These things happen but God allows them. He has a hand in all events.
Mmmm...nah, I think he has a hand in the POTENTIAL - for events, but doesnt set them off.
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They happen in their own natural time. When it's time for a slab of rock in a fault line to snap, it does so because of the physical force that rock had been under for so long finally couldn't be tolerated anymore, and the slab snapped. And voila. Earthquake.

And simple natural physics is what creates a tsunami. The ocean floor rises up, and all that water's gotta go somewhere.

Those living in the path of a tsunami are not there because God, or some other deity of their choosing, told them they must live there. They live there because of their family's proximity, or their jobs, or other desirable characteristics of that particular location.

There's no location on earth without certain inherent risks. And for the risks to disappear entirely would create an entire new set of risks. If the earth's crust stopped shifting, and volcanoes stopped spewing, it could mean the earth was nearing the end of its natural lifespan, and could eventually become uninhabitable. Which will happen someday, eons from now. Not because God bid it to be so, but because nothing lasts forever. Not the Earth, not us, and not our entire species.
Your opinion....not mine...nm - Cassie
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Ditto at my end. I put more stock in science anyway. - n/m
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No offense meant... - Cassie
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but only a fool would put more stock in science since science has been disproven over and over and over and God's Word is infallible and has been proven to be truthful over and over. Just sayin...
I had someone say something along the same lines - and it made a lot of sense
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We were talking about the theory of evolution versus creationism, big bang theory, etc. I used to believe in evolution and that the earth and humans evolved from a singular event that happened by chance. But then the person said to me if some nails, wood, shingles...all the ingredients needed to build a house... were all shook around violently as if in an explosion, would they all land in the shape of a completely built, funtional house with perfect landscaping? Thats what the earth is. Perfectly formed, with natural laws that govern it, perfect natural resources to replenish, and at the perfect axis to sustain life.

Science has promoted the theory of evolution in which living things have evolved into other living things, and the survival of the fittest has produced more advanced species, but in all the millions of years since the beginning of earth, we are not evolving into something better. Instead what mankind has "evolved" into is ruining the earth and other living beings on it.

I detest just about all of the organized religions of the world today because they have done nothing but harm instead of doing good. But I still believe that this earth will sustain human life and I believe in the God of the Bible, who says the earth will stand to time indefinite and it was created for a purpose.
God doesn't say that at all...sm - Cassie
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In fact this earth is to be destroyed. I don't know what Bible you're reading but it's not one I want to read.
I'd love to discuss this with you, but I don't - think this is the place
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I was only commenting here on a conversation I had with someone. If you would like to talk about it in email that's fine.

However, it sure does say it, and I think we both read the same Bible. Eccl 1:4. Ps 78:69. Ps 104:5
I agree...but try reading Revelations as well. - Cassie
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I emailed. - Thanks
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Got your email...sm - Cassie
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I'm not so stubborn that I can't try to see something in a different way. I may delve into what you say deeper. Thanks!!
You're kidding me. Right? - n/m
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No...sm - Cassie
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I kid you not. The Bible says only a fool says there is no God and, any person who believes science over what God tells us is basically saying they don't believe in God; therefore, that person has to be a fool. ; )

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