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Is anyone here a Mary Kay IBC and are actually ....

Posted: Aug 15, 2010

.....successful at supplementing your MT income? I am a new Mary Kay IBC and I'm having trouble getting a solid customer base. I would love to connect and keep in touch with a fellow MT who does this on the side to give me some encouragement!




See answers on Main Board - posted both places...

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Isnt Mary Kay just another pyramid scheme, where - to make $ you have to bring in

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more SELLERS of the product, not buyers?

that certainly boosts your income, but it's not the only source - Happy MT Robin

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I've never sold Mary Kay, but I sold a line of clothing called Weekenders. Yes, you make a whole lot more money if you recruit other people and bring them into the business, but I never did and I made a fair amount just on the sales of the clothing.

if you want that much cake on your face, - duncan hines is cheaper!

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I can understand why you are having trouble getting a solid customer base.

Not a MK fan either but never heard it put THAT way, lol! - LOL (NM)

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Thanks for the giggles! I was never very impressed with MK cosmetics either. I always associate their products with much older ladies in the south for some reason and it just looks mask-ish on me and the people I know who use it. However, I also know several people who SWEAR by all of their products.

Different strokes, I guess.

Don't buy lots of product - Kathleen

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At one point in time, I also aspired to "try" to make some income with Mary Kay. I got suckered into buying about $3K worth of product after being talked into it by my upline. (Bad move.) In order to get a good customer base, you have to perpetually hold "skin care parties." However, getting someone suckered into holding a skin care party is very difficult.

If you want to sell Mary Kay or just buy the product for yourself, fine. However, to really make any money in the "business," you have to perpetually sponsor others like yourself into the business.

However, you do realize that Mary Kay products are hugely overpriced, especially in today's market economy and finding customers who want to pay vastly overinflated prices will always be difficult.

Best wishes with your business. Just be sure to not fall prey to the idea of having to have substantial product on hand in order to succeed.

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