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Housewives, anyone?

Posted: May 1, 2012

I am totally addicted to Bravo network and it's Real Housewives franchise.  As I admitted below, I am almost embarrassed by the fact that these gems occupy most of my Tivo space.  Since I work about 16 hours a day, I like to have...quality? (hehe) programs to watch on my downtime.  The kind of "quality programming" that doesn't require mental gymnastics to figure out the plot or the characters.  

Does anyone else watch these shows and, if so, what's your favorite franchise? 

I think my ultimate fave is the original Orange County housewives, just because they're so delusional in their beliefs that they are superior to everyone else because they have large lines of "plastic" money and live in a gated community.  Also, since it's been on the longest, the evil part of me enjoyed seeing a few of them get their comeuppance when the economy tanked in 2008 and many had to give up their pseudolavish lifestyle and come back to earth.

So, any other MTs here share my addiction?  There are other Bravo shows I watch as well (Flipping Out, Million Dollar Listing, The Rachel Zoe Project, and a couple of others), but this housewife franchise is just such a hot mess of a trainwreck that I find I can't miss an episode for my twisted amusement. 


GIRL YES!!!! Right there with you. - let me dig in...

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you done started something now. Okay, I watch them all too, what do you think of Gretchen and her so-called loss of voice? I mean really, I so like Gretchen more then the rest, but come on..she and Vickie had that fight weeks ago.

I missed it tonight, you just reminded me and I gotta tune in after watch what happens live.

Tamara and her mouth is a hot mess, but I like her sometimes..she can be my girl. Alexis is a bit on the fake side and what about how Peggy left the first episode of the season?

Then there is Beverly Hills...I dont even know where to start with them except that I dont like Taylor. I think she is a con artist and used her husband's death to capitalize on wealth. His body wasn't even in the grave a hot second before she had a "tell all book" out about the suppposed abusive marriage. Not so sure I buy her story.

Kim definitly has substance abuse problems and Kyle has dropped to the bottom of my list as far as favorites. Bradi was a riot, and Camille wont be back this coming season (bummer).

New Jersey - Melissa, not too crazy about her. All of sudden Teresa is the new nemesis of the show and I think they ganged up on Teresa at the last reunion. I still like Teresa, but they have centered her out to pick on these past two seasons.

I could go on, but I have said enough for now.

PS. Bethany Ever After - Whats up with her and Jason's Marriage? Looks like they are heading for divorce.

Were we separated at birth, LOL! - BravoAddict

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I feel exactly the way you do about everything you posted, LOL! Gretchen was my favorite, but this PCD performance storyline is driving me nutso. Why not just tell Slade when he booked it, "You know I can't sing, dude...Wanna call and cancel that gig?" From the previews for next week, her performance sounds even worse than her rehearsal. LOVED the look on the choreographer's face when he was hearing her sing for the first time. Strained vocal cords from yelling at Vicky? Haha, no way...Girl just can't sing. I did kinda love that gaudy red handbag with the rose she was toting around there. Maybe it was lack of sleep?

I despise Taylor. I didn't like her from season 1 when she stirred up the Camille/Kyle drama...and who else could have done it, since Taylor was the only one in the room with her at the time? And Kim...poor, pathetic Kim. She and that dude Ken were a pair, weren't they? "We don't care." No, obviously you don't care...about much of anything or anyone. EITHER of you. I did love how Bravo cut loose on the editing and let us see Kim's behavior they were hiding on season 1. And I loved Brandi, too...That girl came on shooting from the hip and hit her target every time. It was almost like from my brain to her lips, LOL!

ETA - I would give my nextborn kid for Camille's wardrobe. I didn't like her much season 1, but in season 2? What a classy broad she turned out to be...And dressed PERFECTLY for every occasion. She had outfits on there I told my husband I'd kill for, LOL! She has a jewelry line out, all proceed to charity, and the pieces are AMAZING (not like Ramona on NYC with her large "estate-wannabe" pieces, but really delicate and lovely. Camille - The $50 million woman with priceless taste in clothes, LOL!

And Atlanta...I love me some Nene. As raw and brazen and uppity as she can be, I'd still love to have a sitdown lunch with her and listen to the gossip. If Nene leaves, I think I might actually tune out of this one since Nene's scenes are my highlight of that franchise.

I used to waffle on whether I liked Teresa or not on NJ, but seeing on Celebrity Apprentice totally lured me in. Now I'm rooting for her on CA *and* rooting for her to take on some Manzos and Lauritas on RH. I really do think she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier and a lot of the snarks go over her head...and I really think the ghostwriter on the cookbook took advantage of her..."slowness" to stir up some Bravo-generated drama.

As for Bethenny and Jason? Personally, I think Jason is 2 different Jasons, one for the cameras and one for Bethenny in private. When she told that story about his birthday weekend, pretending it was the best EVER, yet waited til they were back home and in bed to tell her "You should have included my parents"? That boy would have been out that 8th story window in a heartbeat if I were Bethenny. I think he's extremely passive-aggressive, knows how to look like the "good/normal one," and just what buttons of Bethenny's to push to make *her* look even more neurotic than she is.

Dear gawd, I *DO* love my Bravo programming, and I'm glad someone else does too!

Yes, Me Too! - Ramona and her

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Pinot Grigio, she had me buying a bottle to try out - Didn't like it stuck to my rhine & white zifandel, but I did try it and have been thinking about trying Bethany's Skinny Girl Margarita.

So what do you think New York will be like with Jill, Kelly, Alex, and the new girl getting fired? Did you see the watch what happens live all star special with the *new* New York ousewives?

We'll have to see how that turns out, but Kelly was crazy, a total nut case in my book and Alex was all over the place, but I still thought she was nice and made some good point, like when Sonya took over the whole gay march parade.

Do like Sonya though because she's spunky. Jill was just something to deal with wasn't too crazy about her. Not crazy about the Countess either.

And yes, they REALLY hated on NeNe this season on Real housewives of Atlanta. Did you hear that Sheree wont be coming back? And most importantly, did you watch Kim's spin-off? Dont be tardy for the wedding? I missed it.

Just saw that the polls voted Gretchen down...only 18% thought she was "hot" on her pussy cat performance. I'm about to catch tonights episode now before I turn in for bed. Will be posting though...TTYL!!
Ye gads they really cleaned house on RHoNY didnt they? - BravoAddict
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I was shocked they made a clean sweep like that. I loved to snark on the hopeless pretentions of Alex and Simon. I go to a forum where the people pride themselves on snarking on the HWs, and one of them actually looked up their property in Brooklyn and they had taken out a $600,000+ mortgage on their home, presumably to finance the "lifestyle" for the show. All of a sudden I found not as snarkworthy and more pitiable. I cannot imagine putting myself into debt up to my eyeballs just for appearances' sake on a TV show. I really think they drank too much of their own Kool-Aid and who knows how they'll manage to pay off that massive debt now...oy vey.

I haven't tried Ramona's wine, basically because I'm a total fan of Barefoot wines and their grigot ROCKS. Their muscavo is unbelievable, too, especially over ice in the summer. I did watch a little bit of her on HSN selling her jewelry, hoping to see a bug-eyed face or crazy antics, but she tones it way down on there, LOL!

My fave scene with the Countess was when Jill was visiting with her at her Hamptons place over the holidays and called Ramona on speaker phone, and the Countess got to hear Ramona ripping on her to Jill and about how the Countess had cheated on her husband all the time, etc. THAT was reality gold...Right up there with Vicky surprising Michael with a visit at college, showing up during Brianna's dinner date with Cody, and Kim crawling around on the bathroom floor of the hotel looking for..."her medicine," LOL! For cheap entertainment, these RH shows just can't be beat.

Gretchen claims Bravo approached her and Slade and offered to finance an engagement ring and all-expenses-paid vacay for her and Slade if they'd agree to have everything taped and aired on Bravo. Gretchen says she and Slade turned it down *BUT* Tamra and Eddie jumped on it, so be prepared to see a lot of that storyline.

LOL at Sheree and her "Faux Chateau"...I loved it when Phaedra said it was just...grass and dirt, LOL! Poor delusional Sheree. I think that's probably why she's quitting the show, because she can't keep up the pretense any more and probably spent whatever money she did have on that horrific failure of a clothing line.

Can't wait for tonight's OC episode...and so glad I found others here who love this franchise as much as I do. Luckily for me, my hubby loves it as much as I do, so we have a lot of fun watching it together, LOL!

NJ is my fav with NY and OC close seconds. I love Mellissa and Joe Gorga on NJ. - Noney

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It's sweet how much he adores her. I have never liked Teresa and her husband is a thug! Love Caroline and her sons are hilarious and the gay guy, Greg that they hang out with, OMG so funny! Oh and Rich, he keeps me laughing too.

On NY, I cannot stand Ramona and her Pinot Grigio fetish! It's annoying! Love LuAnne and Jill. Personally, I loved the new gal. Thought it was hilarious on the reunion show when she told Ramona she was like a little heroin addict looking for her pinot grigio at a party!

I don't care for any of the OC wives, but watch them because they are so delusional and plastic.

I've tried to watch Atlanta, but just can't seem to get into it. Everybody is always yelling and I'm never sure who's mad at who. And Kim's wigs get on my nerves. Can't she find something more natural looking?

It's so much fun to watch. Mindless entertainment and that's just what I need at the end of the day!

Thank you for this thread! I wondered if I was alone in my secret and shameless addiction!

Okay...Vickies daughter eloped?? - Wow.

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totally unexpected.

If Vicky were MY mom, I'd elope too, LOL! - BravoAddict

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I can't even imagine having her screeching about FAMILY VAN!!!!! or swooping around me like a hawk 24/7 during the preparations, LOL!

Vicky's one of the housewives I love to snark on...although I have mad respect for her and the way she built up that insurance business just by cold-calling and running her home office. She's a go-getter, to be sure, but it's too bad she can't tone it down several notches in her personal interactions.

So Addicted! - thirdshiftzombie

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I share your addiction and am hopelessly addicted to all the Real Housewives! I love OC, but being from NJ before heading south, I have to say I watch those housewives in awe and shock. I also worked for the Brownstone, so its neat to see people I knew and places I used to haunt :)

I hated Miami, so glad they got tossed. Same with DC, ewww.

I LOVE HOTLANTA! They are my absolute favs, and I am now watching Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding! I love the NY gals, but they fired a bunch, so I am unsure of the new season :(

Okay, I watch Rachel Zoe, love her, and I LOVE the Millionaire Matchmaker <3 Sigh, money may make ya rich, but can't make you loveable!! I too work 12-16 hour days now, all weekend long too, gotta love VR, and used to reserve these shows for when I worked out. Ha, those days are long gone now.

Have you checked out Mob Wives? Another disaster I am in love with. I really am a reality junkie, actively seeking help for my addiction....

Mob Wife Fan! - Anon

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It took a few episodes to get used to but I'm totally hooked.

Big Ang is a hoot! I thought she was a he at first.

Mob Wives - Is Renee a drama queen or what? - She's always sobbing..sm

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and yes Big Ang looks like a man, she has totally over-done it with the plastic surgery.

Love Mob Wives too! Big Ang is my favorite! - Noney

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I love that these broads are ready to just throw down at a minute's notice. Sometimes tipping over tables and screaming just isn't enough, you just need to throw a punch, ya know?!?! LOL

Love it and love the accents! I'm always talking mob wife-ese at home to my kids.

OC lover (and BH and NY).. - What's up with Brooks?

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Vicky's boyfriend Brooks creeps me out. He seems more like a yes-man assistant than a boyfriend. Everything he says sounds like it came from a cheesy greeting card or a paid programming motivational speaker. Ewwww. Briana seems suspicious of him (good), but tonight I did feel a bit sorry for Vicky when Briana told her about the elopement, not just because Vicky would dearly love to put on a great big showy wedding, but about feeling excluded. Vicky's self-esteem tank is emptier than her love tank used to be, so the exclusion by Briana really hurt.

I love this thread! - landroverlady

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Nice to know I am not the only one addicted. My college daughter and I dish the next day about them. I only watch OC, BH and NYC but have been tempted to start NJ now that I also watch Celebrity Apprentice.

Brooks is creepy!!!! Something is going to come out about him. Eddie is hot. OMG. I love anytime he is on there. Alexis is an idiot who never should be allowed in front of a camera since she can't even complete a sentence without tripping over the words and she needs to kick her husband to the curb. He is a narcissist pig and needs to stop treating her as his servant. I didn't like Heather at first but I am finding her and her husband to be the most down to earth people despite their wealth. She tells it like it is but is not nasty about it and she seems like an involved mother.

And the elopement. God knows if Vickie were my mom I too would have eloped. She is just too controlling and needs to let her daughter be the adult that she is. Maybe not the smartest choice but she had a huge scare and she is realizing you have to live life and not wait for it. Vickie should at least respect that rather than rant that she wants it annulled.

can't stand Heather - sm

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She seems too perfect, like she's trying too hard and is a little boring. I wish one of the other girls will ruffle her feathers a little bit and see whats really under the hood. I think Gretchen and Tamra are bound for BFF-hood and are just the ones to do it.
She's irritating in a big way - OCLover
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Heather obviously feels superior to the other wives, but that's saying you have the nicest tenement building in a slum. What's her competition? Smarter than Alexis? A carrot is smarter than Alexis, yet Heather has this superior smirk on her face. My husband says Heather looks like a cat (apologies to cats). And her claim to fame as an actress is that she was in a TV show with Jenny McCarthy--oooh, Meryl Streep is trembling!

BTW, everyone's house seems like a monotonous McMansion. There are no items or decorations or pictures that indicate a single thing about the personality of whomever lives there. Gretchen and Tamra live in smaller places, but that's about it.
Gretchen's house is filled with clutter!! - Hows that for personality..sm
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Check out the background sometimes when they are filming her and Slade. She has so much stuff in that house its ridiculous...just unecessary stuff.

She'll probably be a hoarder when she gets old. I like her though.
This will probably come as a shock to most - BravoAddict
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Watching these shows is immensely education about how ugly some people become when they live under the delusion that they're "special."

I used to look in awe and envy at big houses like are showcased on the RH franchise, but...Wow, after seeing how utterly delusional and obnoxious most of these "ladies" are, I think I actually prefer Tamra's little "normal" condo to Heather's GINORMOUS house.

I don't think I'd ever be comfortable in a house like Heather's just because it's such an entity all unto itself...Geez, I'd probably get lost trying to find the elevator to get to the garage.

Even if I were to win the lottery tomorrow, I can say with all honesty, even with all the money I could ever hope for, I'd *never* build such an ostentatious place like that. Really, who needs a house THAT big? Who'd want to pay the staff to clean it, pay the utility bills to heat/cool it, or draw the colored lines and arrows on all of the floors that guests would need to maneuver around?

Yep, I never thought I'd feel this way but this franchise has me looking on Tamra's little (affordable) condo and Gretchen's average house as preferable to those big McMansions.

If I'm not careful, next thing I know I'll be jonesing for a purse from Payless Shoe Shoe instead of Macy's (or just buy the knock-offs at Venice Beach like Tamra and Vicky do, LOL!).
I'm with you - Nik
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In one episode Heather's little boy ran across the big marble hallway of their house and I remember that it just seemed so odd because it was such a huge, impersonal space, not at all homey and warm for a little one. The big houses seem so formal and cold. My siblings and I reminisce about the creaky 6th stair that you had to avoid so our parents wouldn't know we were getting home late or the front hall closet where our cat hid out to have her kittens. What will Heather's kids remember? Maybe the time they got lost in their own house LOL!
LOL, it would be like living in the Stanley Hotel from the Shining - BravoAddict
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All those cavernous hallways...I've seen too many horror movies in my day, so I'd have to have those hallways fully lit, kinda like daylight indoors, before I could venture down them.

If I recall correctly, I believe the Stanley is at least carpeted.

On a snarkier note, I think having their initials in their foyer and in the garage (which a couple of families could live in quite comfortably) is really ultimate in pretention. Considering her hubby has been on 2 other plastic surgery reality shows, I'm pretty sure he has no problems with ego, LOL!

BravoAddict - Great thread! Re Brianna... - Viva Bravo

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Love Brianna! That girl has a head on her shoulders so Vicki must have done something right (I begrudgingly admit). First of all, she had the sense to go to nursing school and get her RN (I'm assuming RN). Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought right after she and her new hubby told Vicki about their elopement Brianna said something to the effect of "BUT we still want to have a big wedding and reception." So why all the drama? Did I hear that right?

Love Tamara. She's a real hoot, really witty.

Will miss the lovely Camille. Say it isn't so that she's not returning to BH.

Am addicted to Andy Cohen's Clubhouse, Watch What Happens Live. It is continually laugh out loud funny and I have to admit that I'm a reserved laugher.

Flipping Out - I hear that is returning. Love Jeff Lewis, but not so much his second show, Interior Therapy.

Lastly, Million Dollar Listing - NY. Oddly, Frederic is growing on me but still creeping me out at the same time with his facial expressions, eye rolling, and over-the-top karate kicks. Ryan's a snake. Season finale tonight and then we'll have the bad boys of Million Dollar Listing, the West Coast version, to look forward to.


Another housewife addict - Judy

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Thank you for admitting your addiction...lol...now I dont feel so bad for being totally addicted to these shows. I especially like OC and NJ...and have been watching Betheny Ever after....I agree, her marriage looks to be in trouble.

Bethenny is her own worst enemy... - Viva Bravo

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I've been watching her since her Martha Stewart Apprentice days and really admire her. I think Jason is on the up and up and Mr. Right although a post above about him being passive-aggressive and not what he seems is certainly food for thought. Did they do a pre-nup, anybody know?

Yes, seems there is not one episode where - Bethany and Jason doesn't

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have any tension going on. And is it me or does it seem like Bethany's assistant (think her name is Julie) is annoyed with her? I know she is suppose to be leaving, not sure when but she did tell Bethany she was going to have to quit. Bethany seems so unhappy and its all playing out in front of the cameras. Poor girl, she's had a tough life and I do really like Bethie...sad for her.

my cousin was a HW for 2-3 episodes - I stopped watching after that

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I know my cousin and the way the show portrayed her showed me it is more Hollywood than Reality. I lost interest after that.

right there with you. - and I feel guilty sm

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Well, a little bit. My husband cannot stand the show, but I take great pleasure in watching the drama unfold with these lovely ladies! The best drama is on the Atlanta group, its also very amusing, NeNe being my favorite. Second fave New York, with Ramona being my girl, although I heard this season a few of the ladies will not be appearing. I also enjoy Beverly Hills.

I am drawn to this drama and a get a sick pleasure out of watching the back biting, the bad plastic surgery and obnoxiously inflated egos. I don't know what it is. They are already filming the third season of the Beverly Hills Housewives and I can't wait to see how much Taylor has blown her face out of proportion with the plastic surgery, and which husband Brandy will steal (probably mean girl Kyle's). LOL.

I heard Bravo was going to try - phasing Taylor out this...

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season. I dont know how true it is, but I sure wouldn't miss her. I am however, sad that Camille is not suppose to be returning, but yet Kim will be back - probably boozing and drugging it up on the down low. Kim's alright with me, but its obvious the woman has got some serious substance abuse issues.

Also I read Sheree left Atlanta and wont be coming back this next season, cant say that I will miss her either. She really threw everyone under the bus this season, first she started with NeNe and unbelievably NeNe actually shed a few tears behind that fight, then there was Phaedra, then there was Marlo, then Kandi...Sheree went bolistic this season. My favs are NeNe and Phaedra. I do think Marlo adds a little spice to the show so I hope she'll be returning.

Favorite Housewives:
Teresa - NJ
NeNe - Atlanta
Phaedra - Atlanta
Lisa - BH
Adrienne - BH
Gretchen - OC
Tamara - OC
Ramona - NY

favorite quote ever from the housewives... - sm

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"I took my eyeballs out of my head, put them in my purse, and drove home blind" After NeNe saw that embarassing display at Kandy's party. Phaedra seems like an educated southern lady, what the heck was she thinking???

My faves: Atlanta - Nene. OC - Tamra. NY - Ramona. Beverly Hills - Brandy. New Jersey - Not sure, probably Caroline, I would love to be a part of that big Italian Manzo family!
Love Caroline and her who family... - Viva Bravo
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She seems really down to earth. It's obvious she raised her kids well (okay, let's not think about the sons considering opening a carwash with flimsily clad women to draw people in). I liked her sister Dena and Dena's cat, Grandma Wrinkles. Sorry Dena left the show but don't blame her after the debacle that was season 2 (?) involving the evil Danielle. Bravo allowed Danielle to hijack the whole season; so relieved when she didn't come back.
okay, that should read "whole" family :) - nm
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It's showing Dena in the previews for this season - So maybe she's coming back
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They showed an extended season preview the other night and Dena was in a couple of the scenes. I know she has (had?) her own show on H&G network but maybe that didn't work out and she's coming back to the RH franchise.

I'd *love* to know what caused the fallout with her Caroline. I'd also love to know why Jacqueline punched Caroline in the face at some point in the past.

These women make me so thankful for my comparatively boring (i.e., normal) life, lol!
I would LOVE IT if Dina came back! - I hope she does.
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Now that Daniell is long gone maybe there is hope.

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