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Have you ever believed you were destined for something

Posted: Jul 30, 2013

But then wonder if you have just been delusional all your life? I don't want to go into details but I am just dealing with this right now.  I just had a clear picture of the way things would go for my life and now 10, 20 years later it just hasn't come to fruition.  Very hard, very sad.  I am finally coming to terms with the way things are is the way things will be forever.  


God determines our purpose, and it won't come to fruition until we pass on. - sm

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We were not meant for this world, that's why everything feels like a failure and is unsatisfying.

I refuse to believe some sky fairy guides my life - not a sheep

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Best description of blind faith I've read in ages. - Just plain funny. ;D

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Wow - Anon

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That sure was uplifting and comforting.

Really? So you are telling me that I am supposed to just endure my life until I die? Do nothing, amount to nothing, just hang out until I die so your god can tell me what my purpose is? Sorry, I call BS.

I live my life NOW to do good for others and my family. Until someone shows me definitive proof there is something else after my heart stops beating, the life I live NOW is the one that is important.

I can't imagine living my life just hoping and waiting to die so my "purpose" can be told to me then.

Do you really live your life that way?

EXACTLY how I feel - not a sheep

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thank you for that!

I don't live my life hoping and waiting to die - sm

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Dying is inevitable, and I just hope and wait for the return of Jesus. But this physical world, is unsatisfying because it's finite. I get satisfaction through spirituality, which is eternal. I'm sorry for anyone who doesn't get to experience that.
this is not a religious post - OP
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please don't make it one.

at the least, keep learning - JMHO

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Yes, I wonder why I am here, but I don't have a pessimistic outlook on life. I think we are meant to learn something during our time here, and of course that thing is different for every person. And yes, the life you live now is important and doing good for others is part of that.

As far as proof, that is different for everyone as well. I am a quiet-type Christian (I don't push it down anyone's throat) and my son is an atheist. We are a lot alike and neither of us are sitting around waiting to die. Most importantly, neither of us tell the one how to live; it's up to us to figure that out.

As far as definitive proof, I feel I have received that, but I can understand why other people would call my proof into question. I am in my fifties and my life is so far different than the one I planned for myself in my twenties. I have evolved. I am living my life the best that I can. While I don't always know WHERE I am going, I finally feel like I know what my life purpose is. Although it is not what I thought it would be 30 years ago, it is much better than I hoped.

and maybe I'll get a chance to come back and do it all over, but even better!
good advice - sm
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but how can you be Christian and believe you get a chance to come back and do it all over?
that's what I was thinking . But i do wish all christians were as tolerant as you - you make them look good
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thank you - sm
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Someone said above not to make it about religion, which is a shame people think Christianity is a religion. It has a bad reputation at the moment. :( For me it's a worldview and a relationship (it's also the truth). I won't bring it up again, and respect the OP's wishes. :)

If there is a god he has a sick sense of humor. - why make somebody want something so badly

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and then never let them have it?????? Why even let the thought enter their minds? it's tortuous and cruel. I feel like i'm Under the Dome.

first law of thermodynamics - infinite lives - Freebie

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The 1st Law of Thermodyamics simply states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed (conservation of energy). Thus power generation processes and energy sources actually involve conversion of energy from one form to another, rather than creation of energy from nothing.

This life may be this way but what about the past ones and the future ones? Have hope!

I love that, thank you - OP

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You and I live in 2 completely different realities. - LOL. nm.

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Am too involved in my life from day to day - and have no picture

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of what my life will be in the future, besides not up to me. I plan for things such as trips, things to do knowing all along my plans are probably laughed at by higher source and when I make plans I always, always say I am trying, may not be able to do in the long run but I will try.

Don't give up. - used to be lost

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I believe every person is born with a specific destiny/purpose. Unfortunately, it's really too easy to loose your way. In any event, it's never too late to change the road you're on. Until recently, I thought exactly the same way as you. I have had some experiences over the last month though, that I know have completely turned my life around and set me back on the path I'm meant to take. Don't give up. You might just need someone to help set you back on your path.

I have asked the Universe for an answer, still waiting - OP

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hopefully my path will change soon. Thank you for your reply, be blessed!

Thanks for sharing your encouraging words - wheres_my_job

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I'm trying to get on my path and stay on it - I have been on it, off and on, I keep getting blown off course! Well, now I feel - firm footed. I can stay on my path. Thanks again for your encouraging words.

I have felt that way, and I started over. - sm.

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My partner was wrong, my things were wrong, my attitude was wrong--I left all of it behind and started over.

It's extreme, but I wiped the slate clean and became the person I felt I was meant to be. Now I'm happily married and best of all, I trust myself. When you trust yourself, everything in life comes more naturally.

Now if I ever start to question my life, I look at my marriage and I know--that's my purpose. My partner's happiness is my chief concern in life. He's an incredible man and we tackle life together as a team. I'm happy now. :)

that is so great, I am happy for you! - OP

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I love my family, my husband. I just thought I was meant to travel, meant to do something big. I guess all of us think that way, which is probably the reality of it ...none of us are special because we all are. I was born with a heart defect, i'm lucky to be alive. I just thought I was here for more than sitting on a computer eeking out a living every day.

The words destined and meant can be tricky--sm - anon

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and I pretty much try to avoid them. There are things within me that stir, that have meaning to me, that I want to experience. For those things, I can suppress them and eventually they may quiet or I can respond to them. I view these things as possibilities or paths that I may travel, should I choose. If I want some of those things badly enough, I will find a way to make at least some of them happen.

I also used to do something big or be part of something big but for me I now see the importance of first appreciating the small things, being part of small things, being a small part of somebody's life, etc. Even if all I can do is impact this world in small ways, hopefully the sum of those small things will one day be great.
But still...if you hanker for SOMETHING BIG,, - wheres_my_job
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If that's where your heart, mind and soul are - set on SOMETHING BIG - then maybe that's what you need to go after.

Yes, start small, but sometimes that doesn't work - because you can't just shrink yourself down to fit that teeny tiny box American style capitalism etc may be allowing you.

Just thinking out loud, not criticizing you. Trying to get my energy focused - I've got to get off computer and go write now - it's the witching, er, writing hour.

You are here for more than sitting on a computer all day, eeking out a living every day - wheres_my_job

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let it go. I know it may feel like you CAN'T - but you can. In some way, shape or form, you can let go.

Good for you - I'd like some of that too :) - wheres_my_job

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I agree, trusting yourself is so important. Sometimes you carry a burden, or burdens for so long - finally, just let go. Let it go. See what happens. See who comes into your life then.

I don't wonder if I'm delusional, but... - wheres_my_job

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I realize, there are some things - you may have to risk a lot, you may have to turn off your "worry mind" and just live day to day, every day getting a little closer to your goals - your 'destiny' if you want to be grandiose about it. Why not be a little grand?

I feel like I'm so CLOSE to fruition - and it IS painful - sometimes, almost unbearable - for me, a novel, paintings, etc, etc etc - I'm like a creative octopus (that sounds weird) - but I have so many things that just need that one hard final push!!!!!!

And I get dressed and go to my "dumb" part-time job, and agonize over the future...until I just set the burden down, and tell myself, there's only today, this moment - and today, this moment, I'm doing X, even if it's going to put me in a homeless shelter sooner or later. I DON'T CARE. Right now it's the novel, not the paycheck. Fuck it.

I'm hoping you can find a way to just bust loose and get in touch with those things in you that REQUIRE FRUITION.


I absolutely adore this post - you deserve fruition too!

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good luck dear friend. Email me if you want to talk in depth.

Thanks - maybe I will email - wheres_my_job

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right now I'm just trying to wake up - not a morning person!
ok good luck :) - destination unknown
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Love this. - a little jealous.

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I don't think I have a creative bone in my body. It seems like almost every day I have this feeling like--I just wish I was creating something right now. A painting or a poem, even knitting a sweater. I think that would be the most satisfying feeling--to be creating something in your spare time, for relaxation or for a practical purpose.

I really admire you.

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