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Ba-bye Paula Deen

Posted: Jun 23, 2013

She had some delicious recipes, although many hugely unhealthy, but I will miss her.;

Paula Deen - Thinking about it

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While I was never a particular fan of Paula Deen, I would like to say how much I admire her for not lying under oath, not taking the 5th, just owning up to what she said, and telling the truth. A person who tells the truth under oath,even when embarassing is a good citizen, an essentially honorable person. She said something she shouldn't, and she admitted it. To paraphrase the good book, "Let she who is without sin cast the first scone."

Added to that... - see message

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It's offensive, indeed, but not entirely shocking. Looking at the woman's age and the fact that she is apparently from the deep south, I believe when she was younger this type of epithet was commonplace. Ignorant and offensive, yes, but not uncommon. I have relatives in Texas who took YEARS to stop using these derogatory terms.

I was never a fan of her cooking or her in general, but, as you said, at least she told the truth and didn't pull a Mark Fuhrman (OJ trial, anyone?) and try to lie her way out of it.

Did she die? - NM

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No - She offended a group of people

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...and got kicked off the Food Network. Geez, Bill Clinton gets a Bill Clinton in the oval office and gets re-elected. Paula Dean said a no-no and gets the old heave-ho. What is wrong with this picture?

She said the N-word on you tube. - anon

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She is from the deep south, is in her 60s, and back when she was a kid, that was not a bad word. Old habits die hard, but that's no excuse. She was wrong, admits it, apologized, but I'm not sure the punishment fits the crime.
Sorry, but... - sm
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My mom and grandmother are both from the Deep South (Georgia), and both are older than Paula Deen, and I never once heard either of them use that word. She doesn't get a pass from me.
heard it all the time growing up in rural Heart of Dixie - girl raised in the south
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I think the last time I heard it was the day of my grandfather's funeral in 1985 when one of my aunts mentioned she saw "Bill", you know, "Mr. So-and-So's N-word." She was in her fifties at the time and it was NOT a derogatory word. It was used to reference someone held in esteem who was someone's right-hand man, and always in the context of farming. My family has been in that community since before the Civil War and some places don't keep pace with more modern communities; times change more slowly there, just as I am sure it has in Savannah, Georgia.

I wouldn't lie on the stand, either. I have said that word in re-telling the above story, but can't recall that I have said it otherwise. Today I see news clips and Hollywood producing movies with that word bandied around all the time, usually said by someone of color. I think *that* is more disgusting than the whole Paula Deen thing going on now.
Just because YOU never heard them say it ... - NC_MT
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doesn't mean they never said it.
you must be right - msg
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the poster you responded to probably doesn't realize that her relatives were secretly closet bigots who used racial slurs when she was out of the room. Unbelievable.

It's easier for you to besmirch the character of her family than it is to believe that there are people who don't use hate language?
You know... - sm
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...my mother and grandmother were woman of great character who knew how hurtful that word is and didn't use it (and raised their kids not to use it). Just because many southerners are ignorant and racist doesn't mean all are. It's a derogatory term used to denigrate African Americans, to subjugate them to an inferior status than whites. I don't think being old, white, and southern means you get a pass on being a racist. I guess we still have a long way to go in this country in terms of race relations.
Black people are ignorant as well, not just white southerners - sm
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They use it too, a lot more than white people, wow such ignorance in this world of today.
that's a relief! - nm
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I've heard my ENTIRE family use it - Southern
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And STILL I hear the older ones using it today. Call it ignorance or the way they were raised, whatever, but many, many people here use it quite often.

I personally think it is total B.S. what is going on with Paula Deen. She offended people, I understand that, but EVERYONE gets offended at some point or another, life goes on! I think it is utter ridiculousness that a word is "allowed" to be said by some, even "allowed" in songs, etc., but as soon as a person says it that isn't "allowed" it's national media attention! For me personally, I find it very offense for someone to call a woman a Bi***. That's me. I will tear someone's head off if they called me that, BUT people are still "allowed" to use that word. I'm certain she wouldn't have been fired for calling a woman a B-word. This world is just crazy!
You must be so proud. - wow (NM)
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I agree totally! - The world is nuts
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If that word was SO offensive, it wouldn't matter who said it; white or black. So apparently when people hear "that word", they look around to see who said it; a black person, fine. White person? Horror of horrors! It's mainly our collective white "guilt" that makes this a federal case!
no ifs about it - it is offensive no matter whose mouth says it - sm
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When you say "horror of horrors" it sounds like ridicule. Sorry, but slurs of all kinds ARE horrible. Do you really think "white guilt" is required to recognize bigoted language? Do you not understand that bigoted language is about ignorance, not color?
If what you are saying is true.......... - sm
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Then answer this.........why haven't all of the radio stations banned all of these rappers for saying it? Why haven't music stores banned them? Why, because it is ACCEPTABLE for a black person to say it. Don't act like it's not true, because it IS. IGNORANCE is acting like because a white person used this term, everyone, black or white should jump on that bandwagon.
two words: First Amendment - sm
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I'm not black, so I don't pretend to be the arbiter of the use of the term. Personally, I don't like it when people use the word "retard", so I'm probably too crunchy granola for you anyway.

Suffice it to say that verbal expression in art is s-i-g-n-I-f-i-c-a-n-t-l-y different from voiced verbal opinion - particularly where alienating your audience is concerned. Remember Don Imus?
two words - politics board
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You offend no matter the board on which you post.
I believe I'm allowed to render an opinion on the subject - sm
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if the moderator felt the thread was inappropriate to the board, he would have moved it, yes?
what are you talking about? - I offend not
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I disagree with you. First Amendment is for everyone for everything - Backwards Typist
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Point 1: Can't use the excuse that the word used in music is "art" because it's not only used in music...it's used in every day language by black people. If that were the case, then white rappers should be able to use that word in their music, too.

Point 2: No one is offended when black people call another of their race that word, yet the world falls apart if a white person says it.

Point 3: A white person is not supposed to be offended when a black person calls them a "white cracker." Yet that is also derogatory to that race.

Point 4: Paula Deen is being destroyed over a word she said 20-30 years ago when it was acceptable. Now THAT is unacceptable. Senator Byrd wasn't thrown out of the Senate for being KKK. The Black Caucus members and others in the House and Senate aren't thrown out for their bigoted remarks, so why is PD being destroyed? One word: She made something of herself.

It's jealousy on the part of this WHITE woman who is bringing suit because she was not promoted to manager of the one restaurant. That's what is all boils down to....getting back at Paula and her family.
Maybe it was acceptable 20-30 years ago in **your** world, but never ever was it - acceptable in a civil worldNM
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It was said years ago and you know it but there was never a fuss made about it. - Backwards Typist
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Explains something to me because I must have read the constitution wrong. You seem to think the First Amendment was made only for black people to use that word, but not white people. I'm positive I read where it applied to everyone. Am I wrong? In fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you don't like white people and you're a liberal who believes the First Amendment only applies to your group. Sorry if I'm wrong, but that's the impression you're giving from your post..

BTW, have you read the deposition??????

Explain this even if you didn't.....This woman is WHITE.
1. Why is SHE bringing up that word supposedly stated by Paula Deen years ago?
2. Why is she suing for sexual harassment and assault yet stayed in that job for 5 more years??? Would you put up with sexual harassment that long?
3. Why jump all over Paul Deen before all the FACTS of the case are in?

Too many people in today's world judge people before finding out the facts (I"m guilty of it, too, but am slowly changing that). The new mantra seems to be "guilty until proven innocent," not innocent until guilty.

Do you know what the REAL problem is? JEALOUSY and HATRED. She hates Paula because Paula made something of herself. She's jealous of what Paula has....and she's pi$$ed because she didn't get a promotion because her work wasn't up to par, even though she bragged that it was...don't believe that for a minute. You don't spend half a deposition bragging about the good job you did. You state what your job was and stop.

If her work was up to par and she did things above what her job required, then why wasn't she promoted? Something's really fishy here.

Wow, you've surmised a lot about that poster - who just wrote 1 sentence.
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"In fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you don't like white people and you're a liberal who believes the First Amendment only applies to your group. Sorry if I'm wrong, but that's the impression you're giving from your post."

All because they said it was never acceptable in a civil world? Which she's right about, BTW. It's NOT civil, no matter who says it.
of course there was a fuss 20-30 years ago - nm
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Funny--you said you're trying not to judge, but - I don't see it.
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In one post you've judged the person you are responding to and made assumptions as to their politics and basically called them racist (they hate white people?!), all based on 1 sentence, and judged the plaintiff in the case, saying she's motivated by jealousy and hatred.
To condone the word is to condone the historical injustices including rapes, lynchings, beatings, et - it's history not rhetoric, FYI
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I'm the one to whom you responded. I apologize for compelling you to waste your time in responding.
So there's a moral statute of limitation on racism? - There IS no rationalization here. NM
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racism is racism. own it.
I'm a white person who would be offended by - "white cracker."
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Is it too much to ask that we address people respectfully? Racial slurs just make people look ignorant. No matter who says them.

And she didn't say it 20-30 years ago, it was a couple of years ago. Not to mention the horrible racist wedding reception she was planning.

It's totally tasteless, and I don't see why anyone would bother to defend it.
Well, I call EVERYBODY "cracker" - It's my term of endearment
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No matter what color they are, my friends are my "crackers".
I am the poster you responded to - addressing your points
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Of course the first amendment is for everybody. Don't be silly.

1) Artistic expression is not being used as an "excuse". And the idea that a word used in music is somehow not protected by the first amendment because the word is used daily in other contexts is a ridiculously flawed piece of reasoning. Incidentally, white rappers use that word, too.

2) Ridiculous assumption. There are plenty of black people who do not approve of or use racial slurs. The word does not get a pass from me no matter whose mouth it comes out of.

3) I did not know I wasn't supposed to be offended by white cracker. I don't care for name-calling of any kind.

4) Try to understand something. The Food Network, K-Mart, etc. are businesses. Businesses dump their liabilities, and clearly they see Ms. Deen as one of them. I can drop the F bomb in my new novel, but I guarantee you - if I use it on my boss, I am going to be fired. I am also free to be as bigoted as I want in my private life, but if I start a company which promotes this bigotry, then I am infringing on the rights of others.
PD can say the word all she wants, but - it's at her own risk.
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Honestly, she's free to say the word. Why she would, I don't know.

That doesn't stop capitalism from putting her in her place, though. Obviously, she's failed the public relations portion of her empire and now it's falling.
Offensive for who.....you? - sm
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I personally just DON'T get it, so if you are able to explain it, then please do.

I have black friends, both male and female and while I can honestly say I don't believe I have ever heard the female ones say it, my male black friends use it DAILY in conversation. Nobody says anything to them. Nobody thinks anything about it.

I also have a white friend who lives with a black guy and they have kids together and she uses the word and nobody thinks anything about it, so apparently it is "acceptable" for her to use it to?

So, all I'm saying is let's make some ground rules here, just who is allowed to say it and not be accused of being "ignorant". Do you have to be black to say it, biracial perhaps, can you be allowed to say it by marriage?

Also, in all fairness, people of ALL races should get to choose a derogatory term in which they choose not be be referred to by and we need to ban that word as well.

Does using the word lack class? I think so, but should it be such a scandal when someone slips up and uses it? Absolutely NOT! If it was such an offense term to the black race then they wouldn't use it so freely.
offensive to all - sm
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It's safe to say, I think, that MOST people - black or white - eschew the use of the N word.

Sorry, but I don't care if a gazillion people use bigoted speech. It's not something I care to emulate.
Do you honestly think it's not offensive? Do you - not see the difference?
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Sorry, I know it's lame but there's a big difference between a white person saying it and a black person saying it. I don't like it either way, but I at least see the difference.
NO, I do NOT see the difference at all. - I just don't.
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I think if it is such a horrific term then NOBODY should use it and for the very people that it is supposed to offend to use it, well that makes it seem like it is more of a don't say it for argument sake than anything else.

Not long ago, a professional athlete used a derogatory term in describing a gay athlete. This term was offensive to the entire gay community and in fact the gay community do not even use the term in talking to each other. Anyway, the publicist for the sports team said..."Well, he is sorry, he loves gay people, didn't mean it in a bad way, he wasn't being aggressive when he said it" and you know what..... all was forgiven. This man didn't lose his job, his contract or anything like that. He was a black man, speaking about a white gay man.

Now, had this been a white man and had he used the N word to describe a black man....this man would have been fired on the spot and I'm not sure anyone could argue that. If he wasn't fired, then the NAACP and many organizations would have boycotted the team, etc.

I don't say the word and I do think it is an offensive term, but I also think more is made out of it than it truly is, just for argument sake. EVERYBODY is offended by something, why is this the only thing that seems to have such a national debate?
It's 1 of the worst terms, I think the very worst b/c - It refers to a shameful history
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When I think of slavery and how completely wrong it was and how totally accepted it was, I see how terrible that word is. I just think that word is on a different level than most insults.
Southern - Southern2
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It is a horrible, ugly word. But so it the B word and many other words. She apologized for what she said and seems genuinely sorry. I would never use the N word because it is disrespectful and hurts other people, but I think we should accept her apology and use this whole thing as an opportunity to teach about the implications of racist speech.
It is used in my house quite often - - sm
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There is good and bad in every race. That word is what we use to describe, in our humble opinions, a bad person of the black race. We have adjectives to describe what we feel are bad oriental, hispanic, Christian, Jewish, Arab and most especially WHITE people - yes more adjectives for WHITE people! No one is going to tell me what word to say to describe someone. There is good and bad in EVERY race, as I said above. I'm tired of the different races riding on their ancestors' way of life, crying and carrying on about it. It didn't happen directly to them - GET OVER IT. It's just a word, an adjective. I absolutely do not support hate crimes - that is a whole 'nuther thing. Can that word be derogatory to some? Probably, but it's okay for them to use derogatory slang toward a race different from them, right? It's just the way it is. Get our of your protective bubbles and go live in an inner city for a while. You'll see a totally different side of the coin. I don't foster racism or hate of other people, by the way.
wow - sm
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You don't foster hate? Name-calling of ANY kind fosters hate.

This is patently untrue: "it's okay for them to use derogatory slang toward a race different from them, right?" (I won't ask who "they" are; I think I get it. And no, it's NOT okay for anyone to name call.)

This sentiment was the clincher: "I'm tired of the different races riding on their ancestors' way of life, crying and carrying on about it." Kind of sounds like what you're doing.
Since there is good and bad in every race, - why bother to point out the race
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instead of just the individual you think is bad? Why do you have to make it about their race by using racial slurs?

I grew up a white minority in a mainly Hispanic city and I don't see the need to use racial slurs, so I don't know where you're going with that logic.
Hey y'all lookie here..... - Paula Deen is posting on our board! nm
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that's a shame - nm
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I agree, no pass. - There's NO excuse.
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For someone to speak that way and have the nerve to want to throw a wedding as described in a post below, there is absolutely no excuse.

I don't care where she lives. She's a grown woman, who I'm sure knows that it's wrong to say and do what she did, especially as recently as 2 years ago. I'm glad she apologized, but I find the woman to be such an obnoxious idiot that I'm just glad she won't be as visible anymore.
This was not in her youth...this was - TWO years ago
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that she used this racial epithet.

Yes, she is from the Deep South. Yes, that language was the norm when she was growing up.

This incident happened in this decade. There's no excuse for that in this day and age. None.

I lost all respect for her when she hid her diabetes for so long and then came out about it AND started shilling for a diabetic medication.
TWO years ago - Nick
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I have a friend who is African-American and he persists in using that word as a reference to other African-American guys. When I told him I thought it was ugly and asked him why he was doing it, he said, "We are de-powering the word and taking it back." (He's about 30 years old.) I still don't like that word at all. (I'm white.) To my mind, there is too much sad history associated with that word.
Two years ago?!? That is unacceptable. - I completely agree. nm.
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She will be back. - Look at Dog the Bounty Hunter

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and Don Imus. Didn't hurt their careers too much.

Martha Stuart...they should not be back but like Herpes - keep reappearing. NM

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It is crazy - see msg

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Truly amazing. A married president of the United States (Bill) can have a sex act performed by not his wife, in the Oval Office, and it's okay. (Enter: Ronald Regan never even took his jacket off in the Oval Office.)Paula says what is considered to be a politically incorrect word, and the Food Network bans her.

Okay, Food Network people. Bet you voted for Bill Clinton both times, eh?

to be fair - sm

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Ronald Regan illegally sold arms to our enemies, which some may also find offensive and not politically correct.

And let's not forget, Paula is an entertainer ($$$), not a politician. It was not just the group the derogatory comments targeted that were offended, and many feel that keeping her on the FN could be interpreted as an endorsement by the network of her comments.

They really had no choice, but she'll be back. While I in no way condone what she said, it is a part of old southern culture that is easy to slip back into when one's guard is down.

Not the same thing - Not a Bill fan either

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I loathe BC, but for reasons other than having sex with someone else. I don't blame him one bit, knowing Hillary. I voted for him the first time, not the second. However, this is not the same thing. The use of that term is offensive and foul. To me it does not matter whether or not you "slip". It should not be said and she should know better. However, she apologized. I watched her apology and while I don't care for her she seemed sincere. I think FN was wrong for banning her. BC on the other hand was rightly impeached but should have been kicked out of the office (lying under oath). Don't trust him and he should not be allowed within 5 feet of the WH, nor should anyone related to him. Paula Deen should be allowed to return to FN. Then if their ratings go down then let her go.

If this happened a whole - two years ago already

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why is this such a big deal NOW? It seems to me that if FN was so offended by what she said "two years ago," they would have dropped her way back then. What? did they just recently have a decline in ratings or something, and looking for a scapegoat or a reason why, decided to drop her NOW?? This does not make sense to me. If someone offends you, you don't wait two years and then say..."well you offended me on such and such a date, so I am dropping you now." They received another two years of her bringing them income, so now they decide to use this tactic? oh come on! I never liked the woman either, hated her fake accent, disliked most of her "recipes," but give me a break! Sounds like somebody is just pointing the finger now and there is probably a more hidden reason this network is dropping her.
I think it came out in a deposition for a civil suit against a restaurant - run by her brother sm for link
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FN may not have been aware of the comments. From link below:

"The deposition was taken in connection with a civil suit by Lisa Jackson, a former general manager of Uncle Bubba’s Seafood and Oyster House Inc. on Whitemarsh Island, which is operated by Deen’s brother, Earl W. “Bubba” Hiers.

Jackson alleges that she was the victim of sexual harassment and a persistent pattern of racial discrimination in the workplace during her five years at Uncle Bubba’s.

Paula Deen and Hiers are named as defendants along with The Lady & Sons restaurant in Savannah and Hiers’ seafood house."

considered politically incorrect...(!) - sm

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Using racial slurs goes way beyond merely being "considered" politically incorrect, for goodness sake.

And I don't know one person on either side of the aisle who thinks it's okay to commit adultery in any office, oval or otherwise.

This has nothing to do with Bill Clinton, who - was impeached, BTW.

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Furthermore, the N-word is far more offensive than "considered politically incorrect." It's not like saying "stewardess" instead of "flight attendant." I think most of us get that there are some words that go beyond political correctness and are hate speech.

Somehow I don't - think

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Paula will be going hungry any time soon. I've seen her (airbrushed) face on everything from season salt to biscuit mix to cutting boards, not to mention all the FN shows, magazines and cookbooks. Maybe it's time for PD to give it a rest, retire and enjoy some of that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

She into All Kinds of things - anon

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She has a line of cookware sold in a ton of stores, a contract with QVC, book publishing, and the diabetic medication company. She potentially could lose all of these ventures. The more I read about her, the less I like her. Very greedy lady, to say the least.

I don't know about - greedy...

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but my understanding was that she came from a poor background, single mom with 2 kids (maybe PR?) and probably when she hit the jackpot she just started raking it in. I guess in some ways that is the American dream.

Why do you call her - greedy?

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Because she is successful? Because she used her skills and expanded her business into other related areas? That's not greedy. That's good business. Every business expansion improves opportunities for others to have jobs or a new client for their own skills, talents, and services. That's not greed, that's good for the economy.

It seems like the new American sport is hating and criticizing successful people for being successful. Of course, it is easier to be envious and hateful than to put in the effort to make your own success.

As someone posted, given her age and Southern roots, no surprise. Wonder what her friend Oprah think - dislike all derogatory terms--sm

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no matter who uses them. And I am black. Don't believe using the N word even among blacks takes the negative power away.

Repulsed by that word, but even more tragic - -

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is the "true Southern plantation-style wedding" idea she came up with. It is so sad to me that someone would even entertain having an event of any kind with wait staff dressed like slaves. Someone said in their deposition that Deen said, "Well what I would really like is a bunch of little n____s to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days,they used to tap dance around." It's as if she does not recognize how shameful and painful that part of our history is. Can you imagine attending a wedding reception like that??? I'm absolutely horrified.

She's an ignorant redneck whose cooking - is pretty gross.

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I'm not surprised to hear about her flaunting her ignorance in lavish ways. The woman is an idiot.

Thank goodness someone said it - nm

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What exactly is a redneck? nm - justpassingthrough

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Ask Jeff Foxworthy - sm
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Repulsed - Old Pro

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I would immediately leave a wedding reception like that. I am not black, but I am Jewish and I can remember to this day when as I child I was called the K word. Hate speech is hate speech and nobody should use it.

Possibly her show just ran its course. - FN seems focused on contests now.

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I wasn't surprised to hear what she said, just something about her that I didn't care for, but she will be back, just probably not on FN. FN booted some of the bigger names that put them on the map in the first place and replaced them with contests, so they were probably looking for an excuse to let her contract expire after the diabetes fiasco anyway. Personally, I stopped watching her show years ago when she dipped a slice of cheesecake in a sweet batter deep fried it, added whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate. Holy moly!

I doubt that is it.... - Smithfield dropped her today, too.

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And apparently QVC is also reviewing their deal with her.

Wow. Had not heard about all that. - FN seems focused on contests now. nm

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I agree..... - Guy Fieri could probably

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sacrifice an infant on live TV and FN would not drop him. Rachel Ray could go on to actually cook and eat the infant and she would probably get another show. Paula Deen was just washed up on FN is all and they saw it as a good excuse to drop her. Personally, I really don't think hanging a 60-something yo woman by the thumbs for something she said years ago is necessary, not that I like her or the word, but this seems like overkill. One thing I don't understand is why some people can say it and others can't???

Wal-Mart is also severing times immediately. - sm

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My WM had already removed Deen products - some time ago

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and had replaced everything with Rachael Ray. All the Deen products were on the clearance aisle. This was about a month to 6 weeks ago. I think they were getting rid of Paula before this happened.
Now Target has pulled her. - nm
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And Home Depot. And Novo Disk. - nm.
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I don't think so. WalMart, Home Depot, QVC - Target, Novo Nordisk...

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I think it's more than her show running its course.

Paula Deen is a graceless cow. - nm.

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The "N-Word" - An African-American perspective

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Here is my take on the N-word. Don't use it! I agree with Dave Chapelle when he said that a word was needed that will piss black people off forever. You can listen to people like Jay-Z or Whoopi Goldberg if you wish but the youth have not euthanized the word. Paula Deen is in trouble for admitting using the N-word. I respect her honesty. I challenge you to find a 66 year old man or woman from the south that hasn't used a racial slur in their life. According to the media the use of a racial word makes you a racist. If that is true...black people are the most racist people on the planet! I don't believe Paula Deen is racist. I think it is sad when the media attempts to destroy people. When I watched Matt interview her...I thought to myself ..I bet four nickels Matt has used the n-word before..

Paula apologized. Lets move on people please!! One thing that's for sure and I can say this without a shadow of doubt~As long as she continue to make those delicious Original Gooey Butter Cakes that are sold at Walmart, I'll forever buy them and I'll forever be her fan!!

Only thing about this, Walmart is not going to - carry her products from here on

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so I guess you will just have to butter yourself to death another way. Doubt if not forced out with the allegations from the person who worked for her restaurant she would have never ever owned up to slurs. She continued to use and push the horrible fatty butter ladened dishes while for 3 years put aside the fact of her having diabetes, only owning up to that when she herself got a deal with a diabetic company (which by the way is off now also). More black people than white use the word but it is ok with blacks, not so much with whites. I am surprised that her sons are still on the air.

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