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Anybody know anything about digital cameras?

Posted: Aug 2, 2010

I went to a Maroon 5 concert this weekend and was able to take videos with my Kodak digital camera.  The sound quality came out really well, but whenever I tried to zoom in the picture would break up into pixels, so I was left with either little tiny images (even though I was only 12 rows back), or closer-up squares in an abstract-art type of video.  Anybody know how I can get a clear picture on zoom in?  For future reference.  I don't figure there's any way to fix these, right?



fuzzy - closeups

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The only thing I can think of is that your camera's resolution is not high enough for good closeups. In that case, you would just need to upgrade to another model camera for better picture quality. Low-resolution images always break up into fuzzy pixels when you zoom in. (Fuzzy Pixel, I think I just discovered the name of my next kitty!)

sm - camera shy

[ In Reply To ..]
I just did a google search for:
kodak video camera close up breaks up into pixels. There is a ton of information on there so you might want to check it out and find the specific info for your model camera. I guess I should read it and then I can try it with my Kodak digital camera, LOL

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