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Gave up on Demorats a long time ago. NO bigger - liars than OBAMA, CLINTONS, BIDEN, HARRIS

Posted: Aug 16th, 2024 - 11:38 am In Reply to: I have given up trying to talk sense to them - Trump is a pathological liar

As usual, your posts lacks facts...like Bragg falsufying charges. BIDEN A RAPIST AND PEDOPHILE, sexual abuser, wife cheater, pathological liar about EVERYTHING. CLINTON A RAPIST AND abuser. DEFINITION OF PSYCHIATRICALLY CHALLEND -- DEMORATS ACCUSING OTHERS OF EXACTLY WHAT THEY DO. Indeed, yawn -- "Rinse and repeat until" Demorats find more "lying bigots who will allow them to channel their racism and hatred of others into a political movement. Old news. Yawn>" You just summed up the entire Demorat party.


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