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Wow, just wow! Your last liberal nerve must be rubbed raw. - I found the article immediately

Posted: Jul 18th, 2024 - 5:30 pm In Reply to: As yes. The unnamed "source" - Typical propaganda

after minimal searching. Maybe you can sign up for a computer course. Seems it would help with your remedial research skills.

P.S. Unlike you, I bow to no man, only to Christ Jesus. Maybe if you bend your knees once in a while, you would find some solace you seem to be in dire need of. Would help with your hateful disposition toward anyone disagreeing with you.


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  • Good read - Explains a lot about violent Dems (Views: 295, 2024-07-18, 8:58 am)
    • As yes. The unnamed "source" - Typical propaganda (Views: 129, 2024-07-18, 10:43 am)
      • Wow, just wow! Your last liberal nerve must be rubbed raw. - I found the article immediately