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Politics Latest Messages: Posts disappearing..

Regardless of what you want to believe - Telling the truth

Posted: Jul 17th, 2024 - 5:57 pm In Reply to: Lyin' Biden still spreading the hate and racism. - Nothing new

Does not equate to "spreading the hate and racism".

My question to you is -- what part of what Biden said is not factual? Did Trump not make a reference to "black jobs?" I heard him say it.

We all question why it took so long for Trump to call in the National Guard.

Per Reuters:
In contrast, much of today’s political violence is aimed at people – and most of the deadly outbursts tracked by Reuters have come from the right. Of the 14 fatal political attacks since the Capitol riot in which the perpetrator or suspect had a clear partisan leaning, 13 were right-wing assailants. One was on the left.

The recent violence coming from the right, Carnegie’s Kleinfeld said, “is focused on stopping people or ending people’s lives.”

Your opinion is not fact.


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