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Is Bernie Sanders a Marxist? - Yes.

Posted: Mar 2nd, 2020 - 9:29 am In Reply to: Sanders Isn't a 'Democratic Socialist'--He's a Marxist - SM

I'm afraid the answer is Yes.

Let's look at some evidence:

Bernie's personal hero is Eugene Debs. He has pictures of him hanging in his office. Debs was a huge fan of the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks. They considered Debs to be America's greatest Marxist.

“Bolshevik and proud of it” | SocialistWorker.org

For years Bernie hung a Soviet flag in his Burlington office. He actually referred to the city as the People's Republic of Burlington, Vermont:


He named the team in the pic the "Vermont Reds".

When closing letters, instead of "yours truly" or "sincerely", Sanders would often use "venceremos", as a shout out to mass murderer Che Guevara.


Sanders loves Guevara and Castro and the Cuban Revolution which turned Cuba into a sh*thole. Here he is on video praising communist Fidel Castro.

Here are two pics of the same street in Havana before and after the Cuban Revolution:


In the 80s Bernie was a big supporter of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and Daniel Ortega. For those of you who don't know, Ortega is a commie dictator who is still executing people to this very day.

Here's Bernie arguing with a reporter that Ortega shouldn't be called a communist:

Here he is on video defending Soviet bread lines as "a good thing":

Bernie was personal friends with Hugo Chavez. Still on his website is a piece which praises Venezuela in the last paragraph:

These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who's the banana republic now?

Just recently Bernie called for the nationalization of all US utility companies.

Recently Bernie has also called for national rent control, meaning the government would control the price of every housing dwelling in the country.

When Bernie got married in 1988, they had to decide on where to have their honeymoon. Of all the beautiful places in the world -- Bernie chose one of the most repressive, socialist countries on the planet: the USSR. The land of Stalin, the Gulag, and the Holodomor. Of course, he had nothing but praise for the Soviets when he got back to the US.

Make no mistake, Bernie is not a social democrat, nor is he an American liberal or progressive. Bernie Sanders is a Marxist, and if he had the power he would do what virtually all Marxists do when they get into power.

LINK/URL: Is Bernie Sanders a Marxist?


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