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Romney is Mormon, but so is Mike Lee. Romney also - supports abortion. I'm not falling

Posted: Feb 6th, 2020 - 7:12 am In Reply to: One of his previous spokesman said his impeachment - vote was motivated by bitterness

for his religion made me do it stuff.

Same old Deep State actors. Romney rose to defend Mueller at every corner, too. It’s not about the truth, I can tell you that much.

Mitt Romney is a person without any principles of any kind, variety, or description. He’s called Etch A Sketch for a reason.

Mitt Romney has a business advisor taking bribes from Burisma. Also, Romney has no problem with Hunter/Joe Biden corruption.

Top Romney Adviser Worked With Hunter Biden On Board Of Ukrainian Energy Company


Top Romney Advisor Served on Board of Burisma with Hunter Biden



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