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Politics Latest Messages: Are there any medical word expanders anymore? ..

He says he's trying to expose lawlessness - to hide his own

Posted: Nov 28th, 2019 - 5:43 am In Reply to: Trump is exposing lawlessness of the past administration - and those working behind the

misdeeds. He's no angel himself and really does not have a good idea of how government works, its protocols and nuances, and does not listen to any of his advisors who frustratingly try to fill him in on what's what and how things should be done legally. He does not listen and has gotten himself into a heap of legal trouble because of his pigheadness. Once this is over, the reign of Trump that is, it will all come out and the White House staff who had to "work" with him will reveal the dysfunction that went on in the White House. I guarantee the truth will come out.


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