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Alexander Vindman took classified presidential transcripts - and shared them with people

Posted: Oct 30th, 2019 - 7:04 am In Reply to: Adam Schiff Coached Alexander Vindman Throughout - Testimony

(he may have broken the law) but the Schiff says Jim Jordan can’t ask who he shared them with?

During Tuesday's questioning, Colonel Vindman admitted he shared the read-outs of President Trump’s call Ukrainian President Zelenzky with several others. When Jim Jordan asked who he shared the readouts with — Rep. Adam Schiff shut down the questioning.

"One thing that caught my attention is that Vindman said he shared it with people who were relevant and who had sort of a need to know and proper security clearance .......but presidential phone calls are highly classified and if they’re shared with people who don’t have a need to know, that would be a potential violation of the leaking statute that is 18 USC 798.

So that it was instructive when Schiff repeatedly trampled on that line of questioning including who Vindman talked to after the July 25th phone call.”

Catherine Herridge

LINK/URL: Alexander Vindman took classified presidential transcripts


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