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This is the kind of nonsense that right-wingers - like to spread.

Posted: Oct 28th, 2019 - 8:25 am In Reply to: This comment made me laugh! - sm

It's really shameful. Trump didn't share it with the democrats because he is a child and doesn't understand how government works, thinks he's the only one that makes decisions in this country.

He got up in front of America and degraded our country's public servants and praised Russia. He told you he didn't inform them and then degraded them while praising Russia.

Both Pelosi and Schiff agreed this was a great day for America and didn't ruin it by bringing up the fact that Trump doesn't understand how our government works. That day was a day to praise our military, intelligence and yes, the other countries that participated in the operation.

He also spent his time de-valuing the accomplishment of the Obama administration's capture of Bin-Laden, making it like that was not as big of an accomplishment as the one he made and talked about his book???????

I can't wait until there is an adult back in the White House.


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