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Wouldn't it be great if CNN and other media outlets - didn't try to frame Trump by cutting

Posted: Oct 27th, 2019 - 5:20 am In Reply to: Foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation got political - favors. Between 2009 and 2013,

out 540 words to make it look like he asked for a favor he never requested?

In the media’s efforts to tie President Donald Trump with its latest conspiracy theory, CNN skipped an entire section of the released and unredacted transcript of a phone call to charge Trump with requesting a favor he never asked for.

The same media that refuses to discuss the horrors at Planned Parenthood because they claim the tapes are “edited.” The old National Equirer was more ethical and accurate than CNN and MSNBC.

So much for Democrat concern regarding the accuracy of the transcript.

LINK/URL: Wouldn't it be great if CNN and other media outlets


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