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This isn't good-I have a problem with a couple paragraphs - Truthhurts

Posted: Oct 3rd, 2019 - 7:33 pm In Reply to: Anti-Trump Whistleblower Colluded With House Democrats - Before Filing Complaint

#1: As The Federalist first reported last week, the ICIG changed its internal rules and guidance regarding whistleblower complaints to eliminate a requirement that the complaints contain first-hand information. The ICIG confirmed that reporting on Monday when it admitted it had altered its forms and procedures after the anti-Trump complaint was filed with the ICIG.

Why did the ICIG alter those forms and procedures AFTER the complaint was filed?

#2: The ICIG admitted in a September 13 letter to Congress that he never reviewed the transcript of the July 25 call before determining that the anti-Trump complaint “appear[ed] credible.”

Why not? That would have been part of the job...to INSPECT all evidence and THEN make the determination...not before.

3: The new revelations that Schiff and his staff coordinated with the anti-Trump complainant and his colleagues prior to a formal whistleblower complaint also suggest Schiff was less than truthful about his interactions with the whistleblower. On August 28, nearly two weeks before the ICIG formally informed Congress of a pending “urgent concern” whistleblower complaint from an intel operative, Schiff tweeted allegations from the complaint without disclosing their source.

How come it was so "urgent?" Why did the whistleblower go to Schiffty for help with the forms?

4: “Schiff was in on it and he lied about it,” ...that's the ony one I don't have a problem with at this time. There IS proof that he colluded with the whistleblower and now we know the "urgent concern" was because Schiffty was pushing to get Nancy to start the impeachment inquiry.

Gee, it really is urgent because Nancy is going to bypass the rules that always were used in all other impeachment proceedings before any impeachment proceedings happened..and that's the one where they vote to for the inquiry first.

I believe the DemonRats are really getting desperate now. Watch them throw more rules and laws out the window the closer it gets to November 2020.


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