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7% of GDP in 1970 and 20% now. Sounds like a big problem - to me. Bigger than the military

Posted: Aug 3rd, 2019 - 12:51 pm In Reply to: Non-Profit Hospitals Are Making a Killing - sm

industrial complex and media complex we were warned to fear. This time much of it is owned and operated by the Catholic Church with managers paid $17,000,000 or more per year.

Do a little reading on Ascension Health. The organization sounds more like mafia to me.

Hospitals should not have any need to advertise. Medicine should not have a reason to advertise and yet they do. Massively. The merciless sisters that operate the mercy system also out of St. Louis are fairly out in the streets of prosperous areas dragging anybody they can find with insurance in the doors for something that must be wrong with them. Their building programs are the biggest in the area. They must be making money somewhere to pay for all this. I guarantee the Catholic Church isn’t funding the construction out of the goodness of their hearts and civic responsibility. And non-profits advertise at the Superbowl and bring in billions.


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