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Are you under the impression that everybody - drinks water from a

Posted: Apr 29th, 2019 - 9:21 am In Reply to: Our drinking water is not being poisoned. If there is a single - resource best monitored for

public water system? Many, many people drink well water because they have no choice. Fracking toxins and farm run-off are getting into these wells.

I remember years ago a whole subdivision that was drinking toxic water and the incidence of cancer was really high. The cause was later determined to be one of the worse illegal dumping of toxic chemicals from a company in a wooded area across from this subdivision. There was a lake across from the woods on the other side that was bubbling up green ooze.

Do you remember the Flint water crisis? Well, more and more big cities are facing the same problems.

Just because your water is safe, doesn't mean everybody's is. While doing a petition to get city water, I ran across a lady who worked for our public water system. She disagreed with getting city water because she also worked there for years and knew what was in our city water. She sold her house and moved.

It seems maybe you are one of the lucky ones, but that is not the norm. I personally was glad to get city water, but it was to me the lesser of two evils, but we really aren't as safe as you think with our drinking water.


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