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Time to go after those who paid for a fake Steele Dossier - to justify getting a FISA warrant

Posted: Mar 25th, 2019 - 4:49 am In Reply to: The next question in the Russia Collusion narrative is... - sm

to spy on President Trump.

This report that came out identifies no actions that constitute obstructive conduct.

"No actions" means no facts. End of subject.

All of this of course is going to be swept away in a dust cloud of Democrat rhetoric about the need to see all of the details which led Mueller to fail to "exonerate." But it is important for us to understand what happened and be confident that there is no "there," there.

It is equally important that a forceful presentation be made to the public on three levels. First, a sober analysis of law and facts to create a foundation below which Democrats cannot slither. Second, a popularized approach, even a bumper sticker approach, which satirizes even as it exposes every Democrat who made a fool of himself in this affair. Third, the public must be told how the hoax cost them personally as it deprived them of the fruits of their votes in the last election, deprived them of the policies which might have created more jobs for Americans, made their country more vulnerable abroad by undermining the president (remember the questions in Helsinki and timing of hearings during North Korea). All of this should be presented in a highly digestible and compelling format.


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