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Speaking of corruption, here's Hillary Uncensored - that debuted on her birthday years

Posted: Oct 26th, 2018 - 1:24 pm In Reply to: McCaskill's husband invested in property that tried to evict vets. - What a nice guy.


During the 2008 election cycle, over 21 million people saw various clips of the film online. As you recall, the primaries were incredibly close and she fought for the nomination to the very end.

Peter Paul, who funded the concert, did it for a business purpose, not a political purpose. He made an agreement with Bill Clinton to join the company, STAN LEE MEDIA, and be a rainmaker after the scumbag left the White House. I won't go into details, but Peter and his family have paid an incredible price for trying to do a deal with the devil. He really is lucky to still be alive.

Peter caused Hillary considerable grief over her massive campaign finance fraud, including the criminal trial of her campaign finance chairman and a civil suit for return of his in-kind contribution. He once said he was probably number 3 on her enemies list.

LINK/URL: Speaking of corruption, here's Hillary Uncensored


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