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Politics Latest Messages: I just watched a video on the internet about this..

Chinese hackers targeted Trump-Putin summit... - Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum

Posted: Jul 19th, 2018 - 12:25 pm In Reply to: Not wise to let China set up CA spy shop - sm

on Wednesday evening, FBI director Christopher Wray commented that “China from a counterintelligence perspective represents the broadest, most pervasive, most threatening challenge we face as a country.”

Elsa Kania, an adjunct fellow at the Center for a New American Security, said, “It is clear that, despite the 2015 Xi-Obama agreement, Chinese cyber espionage, including that undertaken for purposes of IP theft, has continued, as in the recent troubling compromise of a Navy contractor by hackers from the Ministry of State Security.”

Michael Brown, a former CEO of Symantec corporation and one of the co-authors of the so-called DIUx Paper for the Pentagon — a paper that outlines the national security threat posed by the transfer of technology capital to China — testified that “Chinese companies already own significant parts of the military supply chain.”

A recent report from the Office of the Counterintelligence Executive describes China as “the world’s most active and persistent perpetrator of economic espionage.”

LINK/URL: Chinese hackers targeted Trump-Putin summit...


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