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And now health insurance is great for you, really? - I am having real problems with it

Posted: Jun 30th, 2018 - 11:40 am In Reply to: "Of course people are going to be angry about that, - because if you had health care

And premiums are predicted to double next year.

When ACA first came out I wished I could get on it (was on MTSO garbage grandfathered insurance then) because the deductibles were low or nonexistent, subsidies were fair, all policies had copays, and premiums were reasonable.

Now, even with a $900 subsidy all the policies offered are terrible, deductibles none less than $5000 per person, everything subject to the deductible, OOP costs high and then coinsurance as well. There are really no good choices at all that I can see. What is a high deductible/everything subject to the deductible policy but a disincentive to even go to the doctor at all?

Why would I get a "free" physical if they told me I needed something doing and I couldn't afford it? Why would I get a "free" mammogram for the same reason?

This year (tax year 2018) you still have to pay the $695 per person if you don't get health insurance, next year the individual mandate penalty is done away with. I wish it would be this year because what insurance I can afford is really good for nothing.


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