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Posted: Mar 13, 2016

I have noticed that on this forum it seems we have a lot of Sanders/Clinton supporters.  I myself am still on the fence as I want the best for this country.  I thought Obama would help with the division in this country but in my opinion he has made it worse and now with the protestors wanting to have mass mobs deliberately interupt free speech of candidates I am disgusted.  I am by party a Republican and when I look at jobs, economy, etc.  I honestly in my heart feel that Donald Trump would be a good leader, I mean Obama was not what people thought either.  In my field as a medical transcriptionist and when I heard Rubieo talking about the loop holes these companies have for outsourcing and how that needed to be stopped, maybe the Republicans can do something about this.  I do not know but this animosity has to stop.   If the protestors who dislike Trump or any candidate do not like what they are saying have your own Rally but be respectful.


Other rallies - old and burned out

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Perhaps if there had been more protestors around to disrupt Hitler's rallies history would have been different!

Be respectful? I find it ironic that Trump himself - is so responsible for how

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people are acting out at his get togethers and yet accepts none of his responsibility. He is a hate monger, telling people to fight and you tell others to be respectful. The bottom line lies with him and no one else. I am really surprised, totally surprised, that no one has tried to really hurt him yet. His campaign sounds exactly like the 1960s when Governor Wallace of Alabama was running for president and he was shot, paralyzed, never the same and his campaign was so much like Trump is right now. Wallace and Trump sound 1 in the same. Google Wallace when running and you will immediately see what I am talking about.

Something to think about - TAK1

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Sanders needs to take just as much responsibility as Trump when it comes to these protestors. Inciting violence is not the answer on either side. I get so sick of people wanting to be politically correct, I think those days are gone. Maybe if we had more insight into Obama at the time he was elected, maybe we would not have so much divide amongst people. I lost my job and career forever so if I can have a candidate that I feel can get jobs going again and fix infrastructure in this country and repeal Obamacare, that is my candidate and I feel Donald Trump is that man and for those that want to play the racist card, wake up, because we all (citizens of USA) have our faults, even if we do not want to admit it.

Please cite sources - hawtmk

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Please let us know your sources of information regarding Sanders "inciting violence." Also, please explain how having "more insight" into Obama (a person whose life history is written in books and whose voting record was public knowledge and who campaigned throughout America for a year) would have helped any sense of division people feel. If you lost your job and career to outsourcing, you should realize the republicans in all states helped this policy happen over the past 3 decades. To call Donald Trump's overtly racist, divisive rhetoric a "fault" is laughable.
The info re Sanders is everywhere. - Different Poster
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Wake up and do some research.
But -- most of us don't read the tabloids. - Their Sanders "info" is bunk.
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Follow your own advice and do some research. The...sm - VTMT
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Sanders camphor nothing to do with the protesters at Trumps rallies. Most of them were there to protest against Trump's platform not in support of anyone. Protesters included republicans against Trump. Donald is reveling in the chaos he has created and he keeps escalating the rhetoric to the next level. This is becoming very dangerous I fear. There was a Trump supporter at one of Bernie's rallies the other day who received hugs from the Bernie supporters not boos and sucker punches. Donald Trump brings only shame to our country and he proves it every day.
Trump is a sickness that has taken over - the Republican Americans
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He incited violence, assured his supporters he will "pay their bail," if necessary, showed disrespect to people from day #1 with the Unavision reporter that he threw out of a news conference. This has been going on continuously since he announced for the presidency.

I find it completely ABSURD that anyone has blamed Sen. Sanders for inciting violence. If anything, he has called for calm and has actually cautioned his supporters not to go to Trump rallies to disrupt. From what I understand that wearing a Sanders T-shirt without any words spoken or motions made, will get you thrown out of a Trump rally...but that isn't being shown on TV. TV and MSM only shows the theatrics...of which Trump offers plenty.

I believe Trump is getting what he sows. He is speaking from an extremely divisive point and is accepting of all of his followers' racism and divisions.

This man is very bad for the U.S., and frankly, the world. No one outside of the U.S. has any respect for him, except, perhaps Putin. Maybe Putin could offer Trump a position and we could be rid of him.

I believe it started with Obama's administration... - Eric Holder, etc.

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That's when Occupy Wall Street started and they were allowed to go way beyond reasonable - but they were given the right to "protest" and destroy entire city blocks - the administration felt they had the "right" to protest - and then we went on to Ferguson and others. But Trump supports don't have the right to gather and support their candidate? Leave them alone and there won't be violence - it is the protestors who are paid and show up for an opportunity to loot and get their picture on social media - stay home!!!! And let the candidates do their thing.

Obama and his cult followers planted the seeds - of discontent, and this

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evil environment of hate, envy, jealousy, class warfare and covetous can all be traced to the actions of our federal government. People began to rely on government rather than taking personal responsibility for their future.

It's obvious by the dislikes of your post - sm

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that the libs and livs condone the protests and violence. Look who's backing the mayhem. I can't wait to get some order and lawfulness back in this country.
Libs aren't "backing mayhem". They're backing - stopping Trump, who condones mayhem.
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They are not stopping Trump. They are only making - him more popular.
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Wake up.
Most dems I know want Trump to be the nominee! nm - VTMT
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Although I believe ANY candidate running against - Trump could beat him, my worry is - sm
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that simply allowing him to win the Republican nomination would set a dangerous precedent in this country.

Our society has lost a lot of ground just in the few months the presidential electoral process has been going on. Even if we end up with a decent, non-Trump President in 2016, I wonder if all regression we've experienced thus far will be able to be reversed in time for the following election in 2020.

Why should he? He is simply running for political office - sm

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The man is running for president. Do you think he should be responsible for a group of individuals who are HIRED by the opposition (and the opposition is what has placed USA in 19 trillion dolars of unbelieveable debt with a GDP of 0% and 43 million people on food stamps, more than half of the entire nation is unemployed or working at a PT job which offers no benefits).

George Soros is a billionaire who runs Moveon-org. His organization planned the OWS rallies through their Toronto Ontario location fro the entire globe, including Greece. And if these "protestors" think making 50 dollars to raise hell at a political event for another party, just wait until they find they are on the list of "dessidents" when this popsicle stand comes crashing down.

Bernie and Hilary should stand up and say: Our constituents would never stoop so low but the truth is, the inside circle jerk of grafters, grifter and fraudsters are terrified of being exposed as traitors to their own country. Obama is a Trojan horse and thanks to low information crowd 8 years has nearly finished off your country. The 911 event was an inside job. Everyone knows that.

British Empire made their last appearance on US soil in 1814 (we took a little trip, down the mighty mississip to fight the bloody Brits) but the Q of E, owner of half the land on the planet and 21nd largest gold vault decided a different approach would be needed. Financial war is nearly over and Trump is all you have to save your children from paying an unpayable debt. Add to that the urgent need for factory workers in China, a creditor, and 1-child policy leaving Little Emperors and Empresses to coddled to put up with an 8-day 40-hour week. They just quit at the first moment of frustration.

Trump is a patriot, is paying his own campaign and I have sent him 50.00 and suggest you do as well if you want a country not owned by hostile nations who "want their money back." This is not a joke.

If Trump is a "patriot", America has lost its - comprehension of the definition of the word.

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Trump is in no way, shape or form a "patriot". - He cares nothing about America.

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Obama didn't divide the nation, the obstructive - do-nothing Republican congress did.

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How does not passing laws that prohibit our - freedoms divide a nation?

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I like it when Congress does nothing. That means they aren't limiting more freedoms.

It all starts at the top. Manipulate the peasants and make them miserable by breaking everything. This translates into votes for the people who promise new laws to fix everything. Lawyers understand this scam.

It inhibits freedom when it's done solely for - the purpose of obstruction, and - sm

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to benefit themselves and their own agenda of greed. They most certainly don't block the passage of bills for the people they supposedly represent.
They have given Obama pretty much everything he - wants. That's why Trump is so
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popular. The Republicans haven't stopped Obama. Blocking bills? That's Obama's excuse when he doesn't get his way. Nothing is ever his fault. It's always somebody else.
Given Obama "everything he wants?" - [snort] A statement of myth.
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All he has left to destroy is the 2nd amendment - and that's not gonna happen.
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He's pretty much fundamentally changed everything else.

You're really not very well informed about the Obama - administration - or Congress.

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What do you think the rebellion in the Republican party at the grass roots is all about?

Repub "rebellion" is all about spoiled crybabies - not getting their way.

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Did you forget about his super majority. - SMH

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The Dems need to take some responsibility and that includes Okingme himself.

The pubs need to evolve beyond simply - parroting useless memes.

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Obama divided this country? - feistygirl

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No, the people who divided this country are people like you who are closet racists and can't stand the fact that your white status quo for the last 200 years of this nation's history has been threatened by the election of a black man. You sicken me. Fox Fascist Propaganda Network has convinced brain dead inbreds that Obama is the reason for all their problems for the last 7 years. The only violent protests at any rallies are happening at the Fascist Chump's rally. Do you think that is a coincidence. Republicans are racist/misogynists/bigots who in Chump have found someone just like them who has given them permission to come out of their Hate Closet and be out and proud about their hate. Take your pick Republicans: Will it be a vote for a Fascist (Chump) or a Dominionist (Rafael)? You would vote for Hitler himself as long as he had an (R) behind his name. How pathetic ....

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