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Sad day for 400,000 Kentuckians

Posted: Nov 4, 2015

400,000 Kentucky residents who qualify for Medicaid under the expansion are now at risk of losing their health insurance due to the outcome of a Tea Party Pub being  elected.  

I wonder if those 400,000 got out and voted?  I don't think so.  I wonder how many were minimum wage medical transcriptionists? 


I thought we were told Tea Party was dead??? Make up - your mind liberals.

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I don't remember anyone saying the T-Party was dead - sm

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I think you may have heard people say the Republican party is dying, not dead yet but definitely on its way, because of the Tea Party extremists. I don't remember anyone saying the Tea Party was dead, unfortunately for the country I love.

Tea Party, just a term to describe conservatives who still believe in - The Constitution, has been portrayed as extremists

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by the left, but were are still out here no matter what you call us. We are not the ones "fundamentally transforming" the country as it was founded. We are not the ones thumbing our noses at the rule of law. We are not party of the GOPe that doesn't even try to stop Obama. We are not the ones pushing open borders and amnesty and breaking federal laws to do so.

Watch your wallets conservatives. The thieves in the District of Corruption are on a roll. They just added $339 billion overnight to the debt.

Kentucky just voted in a Republican. Gun control flop in Virginia. Pot legalization loses in Ohio. San Francisco sanctuary sheriff outed. Houston voted down LGBT measure.

I don't know how much longer we can hold on to the country, but we are still here.
Tea Party is not responsible for the moral rot and decay - that is American culture today.
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The Democrats own that.
It comes from the top. Obama administration is threatending to pull - federal funding in Illinois over boys using
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girls bathrooms. Do it or else.

Congrats Kentucky. Maybe now we can get enough - Right to Work legislation

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impetus to pass.

Just wondering, everything I have heard about - "right to work" is terrible

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So can you explain why you think that would be good? Especially for the likes of us middle lower class workers? Unless you are not an MT, that is. Perhaps you own an MTSO so that would be good for you or something?

As Eleanor Roosevelt said way back when:

"I am opposed to ‘right to work’ legislation because it does nothing for working people, but instead gives employers the right to exploit labor."

American Federationist, 1959

I agree that 'Right to Work' - a misleading phrase - is a very bad idea - MTs should know better

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I'm very much opposed to 'Right to Work' legislation because it is extremely bad for the little guys, like us. MTs have learned that the big guys hold all the cards, and they really don't care about the little guy, the the 'Right to Work' legislation is a giant tool they have to keep us under control.

We have it in Indiana now and many businesses have moved - from Illinois to Indiana, also because

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of their high tax rate.

No one should be able to collect fees from someone who chooses to be non-union. Plenty of pro-American states, for manufacturers to set-up shop in. it will bring back manufacturing to America.

That giant sucking sound you hear is the escaping tax revenue, new business, forward thinkers, and lovers of liberty.

Giant sucking sound is right - I think you hear it IN Indiana though

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Pro America, really? Your governor is awful, with his terrible anti-gay legislation, and you think the right to work is so great?

Non union means terrible minimum wage jobs, but hey yay for the boss man, right?

Many businesses have LEFT Indiana thanks to their terrible regressive gay rights policies. Right to work is only good for BAD employers, not good ones.

What 'right to work' brings is poverty wages, poor working conditions and poor quality wor - Unions improve the quality of work

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If the little guy only had someone on his side we wouldn't see some of the abuse that we're seeing now and almost just giving up and thinking it has to be that way. It doesn't. Okay, it's too late for MT to be fixed. If we had been unionized we could have saved it, but we didn't.

Maybe they will go to the Creation Museum - and pray over their health

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They have tax dollars to help charlatan Ken Ham build a fake Ark and rake in millions.

But no Medicaid expansion.

As to the minimum wage earners with these corporate/big business/big money views, they seem to have a big problem with cognitive dissonance. I guess it is like alcoholism. They are going to have to hit bottom before they realize they have a problem.

this might surprise you, the majority of Americas are against - Obamacare.

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And yet we have it, those for it won, and I love it! - Could not get insurance before ACA

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I had been locked out of any insurance at all because of preexisting conditions, even though none of those preexisting conditions were causing me any problems or the insurance company that kicked me out any money. They just kicked me out. The amount they said I could get back in at was astronomical. I am so happy about the Affordable Care Act. I don't have to live my life in fear of a catastrophic illness taking everything I have.

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