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Put a Fork in him --He's Done

Posted: Jul 12, 2015

Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has now added gifting lucrative government contracts to his family to the long list of corrupt practices that have become commonplace in his administration. Earlier this month, we learned that he was caught stealing $380,000 from New Jersey taxpayers to pay for his lavish lifestyle. In February, it was reported that Governor Loudmouth accepted expensive gifts from King Abdullah of Jordan, and on top of the massive Bridgegate scandal last year, which he is still under investigation for. As if those misdeeds were not enough, we have now learned that Christie’s administration awarded his brother, Todd Christie’s firm, a lucrative government contract. In January, Christie signed an executive order that was basically a state takeover of Atlantic City. He installed an ’emergency management team’ to develop a long-term financial plan for the cash-strapped casino town. Soon after the takeover, his administration awarded a huge contract to Ernst and Young, the financial firm that recently hired his brother and longtime supporter Todd Christie. The contract, one of the more blatant incidences of nepotism seen in New Jersey, will pay the firm more than $250,000, or $455 an hour, to provide an analysis of the city’s finances. http://www.occupydemocrats.com/christie-caught-red-handed-funneling-government-contracts-to-his-brothers-firm/;

So in turn you are saying... - Hillary is done too?

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This is exactly what she is doing with her "foundation" - being bought.....only since it's Hilary, it doesn't matter..

Another rant about Hillary and more putting words in the OP's mouth. - sm

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Krispy Kreme being done is not related to Hillary, but nice try.

Krispy shouldn't have treated Obama like a human when Hurricane Sandy blew through; that is his real unpardonable sin in the minds of conservatives. LOL!

Krispy Kreme--cute name. - He's sweet!

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I guess the libbies are afraid of those who speak their mind and tell it like it is, so unlike what is in power now, who is nothing but a wimpy wussie wearing mom jeans and spending taxpayer dollars on ILLEGAL aliens and other nonsense that doesn't benefit ALL citizens.
The "libbies" could not care less who the Cons nominate. - sm
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I like Krispy. Would love to see him and blowhard Trump going at it. Sorry to disappoint you, but we "libbies" are not afraid of the GOP clown car. There's even one or two of them that I think the "libbies" wouldn't actually mind having for president, not saying we'd vote for them but wouldn't mind if they won.

We "libbies" were unaware that Cons didn't like Obama. Whenever did that transpire? LOL! Cons seems awfully obsessed with Obama's jeans. I could not care less what the man wears. I think I have seen him wear all of 1 pair, but it was only a fleeting glance because Krispy put his arms around him and then Obama got lost under the rolls of girth. Not that I care, but I wonder if Krispy could even get his fat carcass into a pair of any jeans. LOL!

I'm not sure there are any taxpayer dollars that are spent that benefit "ALL citizens," as most of them go to all different kinds of things that benefit all different kinds of people, and a whole bunch of our dollars are sent directly overseas and benefit NONE of us, at least not directly. No matter how you slice it, whether they're here in our country or overseas, we spend lots of dollars on noncitizens period, like the billions and billions of billions of dollars we give Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, etc. The far-right fringe seems all hung up because money is being spent on non Americans in America, but HEY, our money goes all over the world to pay people that aren't us, and that's nothing new and has been going on for a long, long, long time and won't stop no matter who becomes POTUS.

More midirection in the name of socialism. - NM
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The libbies - Bobo
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Really nasty comments about size. I think that could have been left out. It has nothing to do with how a person governs, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Should I have gone with "wimpy wussie" like the post I answered? - Double standard much?
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Maybe should have gone with puffer fish, Mitt Romney's code word for Krispy. I guess like Trump, I call it the way I see it. I thought Cons didn't like being PC and liked the "truth." Guess they only like certain truth. He's one large, fat guy; that is a fact. In my opinion, I do think it would affect how a person governs and how other nations would perceive the United States if he were president.

Krispy being president? Fat chance. :)
When one has no *valid* criticism, go for something personal. - It's a bullying hallmark.
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Typical insensitivity from the left. Instead of applauding him for the weight he has lost, he's attacked for being overweight. It proves the depths of depravity affecting some on the left. Actually, it's sad that someone would think that he or she is so perfect that they can criticize on such a personal level.
Ok, while we are there, does Scott Walker - really have an enormous bald spot?
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I had never noticed before today, unless it was a light/reflection thing.
Well, he obviously is fat. So what? - sm
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News Flash: A post on a Politics board saying that Chris Christie is fat is not remotely an attack or bullying, just a true post on a chat board that people read and nothing quite so dramatic as all that. It's not "the depths of depravity," and it's not really that sad; it's just the truth. Obviously, one needs only to listen to blowhards like Rush Limbaugh or Donald Trump for 5 minutes to know that people can say things about other people without thinking "he or she is so perfect." LOL

Is the truth so hard to hear? Why should anyone be "applauding him for the weight he has lost"? People are entitled to their opinion on a Politics board, particularly when it's the truth. Personal insults towards the POTUS are A-Okay with Cons, but calling the fat politician fat is suddenly "insensitivity"?

With Donald Trump out there running his mouth and letting all kinds of filth spew forth calling millions of people rapists and murderers and calling people stupid, I'd say anyone who is thin skinned and thinks that attacking a politician or another human on a personal level better get themselves ready.

Oh, please, please, please let the fat guy rise in the polls high enough so that he and Donald Trump and that thing on Trump's head can all be on the debate stage at the same time.
There are illegals who are rapists and murderers. - Finally someone who isn't afraid of the
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MSM and you know they are trying to destroy him.
I'm sick of pretending illegals are fabulous and wonderful - people. NM
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As sick as everyone else is about pretending - American citizens are so "wonderful"?
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If this board represents popular opinion, we're - screwed. Operative word is ILLEGAL. NM
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The left cares more about illegals than their fellow - Americans for political reasons. NM
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Here are some other operative words: "Selfish" - "Bigoted" "Uneducated" "R
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Now a person who is pro-law is a bigot. Political - correctness is out of control. NM
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It makes a persons little gray cells hurt with so many - people riding the ridiculous train
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now, so much political correctness out there.
Pretend - Pretend
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I'm sick of pretending whites are fabulous and wonderful. Most of your serial killers, mass murderers, and home grown terrorists are white born right here in America.
Big deal. There are a lot more "legals" who are - rapists, serial killers, thieves, con-men, etc.
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illegals - legals
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Serial killers, mass murders, home grown terrorists, teachers having sex with their teenage students, etc., etc.--practically all are white--who knows if they are legal or not.
Remember how they reacted when Obama's big ears - were brought up? They went berserk!
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They can't handle it!
They went ballistic over the polka dot hair, too. - LOL
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Oh, this is too funny.!
Just looking at that Pillsbury Doughboy makes - me gag at the sight of doughnuts.
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Why do you find such sweet and likable names for Christie? - sm
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They make me like him even more. LOL

Funny how that works, isn't it? - NM

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You believe that written by occupydemocrats? - O.M.G.

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I really needed a laugh this morning! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Facts are facts--my interpretation that he is done - nm

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I don't have time to dig these same facts out of WND and Fox.

One has only to look at him to know that he is done. - Who wants to look at or listen to

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that tub o' lard for 4 years? Not me, not most people, and not the rest of the world.

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