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Yes!, if necessary, take them down one-by-one

Posted: Jun 12, 2015

for coordinating campaign and SuperPac at the same time. 


Contrary to his thought that he knew it was wrong, but others were doing it and had not been caught, it is still illegal, and hopefully others will be following his path to prison.


And the next one to go should be Hillary - Done far more worse

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The media has spent so much effort covering up Clinton scandals - and corruption, and I don't

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think people who support them care about it. They have no "gag reflex" when it comes to the Clintons, so they get away with it. They only care about Republican scandals.

In the right-wing bubble, they don't realize the "Clinton scandals" are propaganda. - Which "Clinton scandal" are we on now?

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I forgot which scandal we were on. Is it the erased emails? My identity was just hacked by China because of my military service and security clearance. I wish they had kept my information on a different server.

Oh, wait. Maybe we're back to the Benghazi scandal? Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi... dead horse... beat... beat... beat... beat... beat. What number investigation are we up to now with made up propaganda already being debunked in the first 7 or 8 investigations? The newest committee will subpoena a new as yet undiscovered witness they have "located" who will blow the lid off the whole scandal and testify to the "truth" as reported by Fox Snooze. Investigation number 9 calls to the witness stand the esteemed Mr. Ben Gazi. Ben Gazi... Ben Gazi... please report to the witness stand.

Maybe we're on the Clinton Cash scandal again? The scandal where we pretend like a global charity is the same thing as a Political Action Committee and report that contributions to fighting the spread of AIDS globally and funding relief for the earthquake in Haiti are the same exact thing as receiving campaign contributions?

Maybe we're on the death of Vince Foster again? Say, somebody bust out that decades old list of the Clintons' murder victims and add some more people to it for good measure and revise it to say "Hillary Clinton murder victim list." LOL.

This poster said: "The media has spent so much effort covering up Clinton scandals and corruption, and I don't think people who support them care about it. They have no "gag reflex" when it comes to the Clintons, so they get away with it."

The people in the right-wing bubble have spent so much effort inventing "Clinton scandals" and whining repetitively that other media won't report their fabricated propaganda and telling their gullible viewers that MSM is covering up the truth while they are reporting the scoop to their "insiders" watching and listening to their manufactured media machine. Who could listen to the incessant right-wing repetitive rhetoric and Pavlovian manufactured out of context propaganda drivel over and over and over ad nauseam and still think "they have no 'gag reflex' when it comes to the Clintons"?

Life in the bubble is nothing if not repetitive, but that is the way propaganda works. You beat the same thing to death until everyone repeats like sheep: "What difference does it make? What difference does it make? What difference does it make?" Gag. "What difference, at this point, does it make" has been taken out of context. Hillary was referring to the right-wing's obsession with what Susan Rice said, not Benghazi itself.

So, yes, we do have a gag reflex where the Clintons are concerned, and the right-wing machine keeps pushing it and pushing it and pushing it with all the incessant propaganda and "Clinton scandals," and it still won't matter when I pull the lever for Hillary instead of voting for the moral and ethical hypocrites giving lip service to helping the middle class by lowering taxes on corporations and opposing any efforts to raise the minimum wage, same crap different day, nothing new to offer, screaming "take out country back," "take our country back," "take our country back." Yes, gag.

Not going back.
Someone asked how America got to this point. Letting politicians - get away with corruption
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and making excuses for it because of party is one way.
Things to do today in my right-wing bubble. Work hard, - don't ask the govt for a thing,
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love my life. Annoys the liberals, even if the Clinton's tentacles are everywhere.
So that's what they're thinking in the bubble? - sm
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This poster said: "Things to do today in my right-wing bubble. Work hard, don't ask the govt for a thing, love my life. Annoys the liberals, even if the Clinton's tentacles are everywhere."

If you're an MT like most of us, good luck doing your job without the Internet since it's one of those "government things." The government will go on protecting your freedom, providing for your eventual retirement with dignity, cleaning your water, handling your sewage, collecting your trash, funding private companies' research that creates your life-saving drugs, providing your transportation networks, and investing in energy that gives your car fuel on which to transport yourself around, etc., whether you actually ask the government for a "thing" or not.

Enjoy your bubble, work as hard as you like, retire, collect your Social Security and Medicare benefits well beyond the cash you paid in.

The liberals aren't annoyed if you love your life; they just want conservatives to stop trying to dictate everyone else's lives and attempting to make policy decisions based on selected verses out of the Bible as translated by authorization of King James of Great Britain, while ignoring the verses commanding "love thy neighbor as thyself" and "do unto others."
Reagan quote, Governments first duty is to protect - people, not ruin their lives."
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How far we have fallen.

All of those things you mentioned were created by the private sector and usurped by the government. The government didn't create any of those things. They just took them over.

But farbeit for me to "argue with reason."

My money is on the individual any day of the week.

Have a nice weekend.
Individuals providing all of those services - what a nightmare
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Those services were taken over by government as a public service, to make sure they were provided to all of the public and not provided in a discriminatory fashion, many of them provided in a not for profit fashion.

I would like to see that group of individuals go back to self-sustaining. That should be humorous.
They were taken over to tax. Plenty of preppers are off the - grid and do just fine. nm
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LOL--they're just fine, maybe you would be, - but most wouldn't
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This reminds me of my silly cousin. - sm
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I recently had to travel out of state because my sweet aunt passed away, rest her soul. My cousin is kind of a small-scale prepper and "government hater." He showed me around his new shelter and all his supplies and we sat in his nice little sanctuary and had about as in-depth discussion as I've ever had with him about life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, etc., and his new shelter and how he didn't need "no government."

At the end of this heated but friendly discussion, I asked him if he minded telling me how much his little "place" had set him back monetarily, and he explained that he had gotten a FEMA grant to pay for most of it under a state storm shelter program and that he had saved up his VA disability pension for a few years to fund the rest.

"You don't say! A FEMA grant through the state. You know the F in FEMA stands for federal, and that's federal government funding, right?" Long pause. "Well, Sam's your Uncle!" Patting him on the back and shaking my head. "Love them government checks but hate that darned gubmint!" He laughed too, and I think I saw a glint in his eye almost like a light switch had been turned on. I've learned from experience and decades in the military that some people can't see the forest for the trees and need a little help connecting the dots sometimes. LOL. :)
yeah, but, but, now he's all PREpared! - glad you can laugh about it
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but this lack of education is becoming a serious problem (propagated by the Fox-ish) and a definite spin-off of "I've got mine" and I'll tell you how you will or won't get yours. I'm sure his life-style is justified as it is "simple" and "self-sustaining."

Like I said, glad you can find humor (and the story was humorous, in a SMH type of way), but my hope is that many of these people have withdrawn from society enough so as to not vote!

Being prepared with a supply of food, candles, and supplies in case - of an emergency is not extreme
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at all. Those shows on TV like Doomsday Preppers are just for entertainment. They are not what prepping is about.
Here is an example--they aren't talking - can openers and beans
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One needs to realize where the government gets it's - money to redistribute. It
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produces nothing. It only takes.

A prepper is someone who is prepared in case of an emergency. That's it.
Incorrect again. - sm
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Overheard at Tea Party rally: "Keep the Government Out of My Medicare!" ROFL.

* National Weather Service where we all get our weather warnings that keep us safe. Hurricane season coming up, and we'll be depending on our NWS.

* Center for Disease Control. Swooped into my part of America when Ebola landed 15 miles from my house, and I got to see it in action locally. Whatever happened to the Ebola fear-and-smear doomsday rhetoric from the right-wing? LOL.

* The Interstate Highway system. One of Eisenhower's great achievements (when he wasn't busy playing golf).

* The Military. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.

I could go on, but......... Enough Said.
I smell BS (Barbara Streisand). - NM
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Individuals start companies. Companies provide services. - Govt agencies tax and regulate and
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grow more jobs for govt employees.
Michelle Malkin just wrote a book, an answer to - "You didn't built that" called
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Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs

My Internet provider is not the government, Big Pharma provides the drugs, - energy is provided by either a gas
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company or electric company. Most of the infrastructure funding going on funded by the fuel tax for which I pay (and gives unions there jobs).

I don't ascribe to "you didn't build that" philosophy.

No one "ascribes to 'you didn't build that' philosophy." - sm
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Obama merely said that individuals who build things don't do it alone and that they have help. The "you didn't build that" philosophy is an out of context meme invented by conservatives and turned into a Republican Convention theme that was held in a stadium that was built using 62% government funding.

Oops! The government actually did help build that. LOL. Too funny!
Should be more like work hard at FINDING a job, - impose religious dogma on the -
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workplace, the medical field, and the government. Buy a gun. Get an open-carry permit so people will act all nervous around them, and they can feel smugly superior. Condemn education and science. Condemn all other beliefs that don't directly coincide.

Directly from the GOP bible-thumpers' handbook.
Try actually doing real research other than through - Communist/radical rags supported by Soros
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Your post evokes a gag reflex in those with a moral compass. Leaves out the Libs on this board carrying water for Obama and Clintons and all their little commie friends.

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