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These nationals

Posted: Feb 28, 2015

I don't work for them, but seems to me since our president threatens people and intimidates them, perhaps these nationals are doing the same. Just what do you all sign and is this part of the whole equation? I mean to you promise not to tell why you are let go or laid off. I cannot fathom anyone signing something like that nor not being able to freely express their opinion about their firing or being laid off. This is after all the United States of America where we have freedom of speech. Just really puzzled by this behavior.;

^ Such is life in the conservative bubble where EVERYTHING is somehow Obama's fault. - sm

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It's just so much simpler that dealing with those pesky little facts.

huh? - yaaawwwwwnnnnnn

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There are no "pesky little facts", they are just opinions. Opinions are not facts, but just what someone wants to believe. That saying is getting so zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Wake me when some facts are actually stated. I prefer to sleep through the bull-oney.

All I did - anonie

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All I did was compare these companies to what Mr. O does and it got put here. Honestly, you can't mention just the word president in any post anymore without it making it to the politics board.

I merely was pointing out that they must subscribe to the same policy the president does about lying and getting by with it. That is all.

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