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Someone needs to castrate those Nigerian cowards.

Posted: May 5, 2014

This is a horrific story. Why is nothing being done? Video shows Islamic extremist threatening to sell abducted Nigerian schoolgirls Link: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/05/05/protester-nigeria-first-lady-orders-protest-leaders-arrested-calls-them-boko/;

Re: Boko Haram. s/m - justme2

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As to your question why is nothing being done about this, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said Sunday that his government would free the girls.

As far as the US government's involvement, the U.S. Africa Command has long been helping Nigerian forces improve their training and operations to counter Boko Haram militants.

As far as the Obama administration's involvement, the Obama administration is sharing intelligence with Nigerian authorities and could provide other assistance, but there is no planning to send U.S. troops, which this American citizen feels is the best course of action to be taken regarding the situation.

I'd have no problem helping this Government - do the right thing... think about it

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if the US had 200+ girls taken, it would move heaven and earth to find them (yay) as it should be.

We just watched 200+ Korean students die a horrible, preventable death.

if we can help Nigeria in any way - SAVE these girls lives we must do it.

can you imagine THEIR horror?

no stay out of it - we are not

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the boss of everyone. Bad things happen everyday. Get the USA back in tip-top form and then maybe help where we can.
Typical I got mine, you find your own - girls attitude
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did you mind as much when Bush raped the treasury to pay for ILLEGAL war that killed many many many innocent children in a foreign land?

Were you as 'hands off' then? Just curious, maybe you were.
I am not unsympathetic - to the victims
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I just think we are spread too thin and need to rebuild our strength before we jump in somewhere else. There will surely be an event equally as tragic if that time ever comes.
Sympathy won't find the girls - Sorry I see it as a copout
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if we don't do all we can to help NOTE HELP the Nigerian government.

No one is talking about committing huge resources. But they need more than our sympathy, and since we can spend BILLIONS OF DOLLARS tearing up countries to boost certain pockets, we can do the right thing when real innocent lives are on the line.

It's easy to say 'too bad so sad' it's a lot harder to walk the walk...
what about Sweden - Norway Australia
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Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal? I could go on. People are the same all over the planet but no one will step up if they think the good ole USA will do it for them.
once all our injured - soldiers
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are properly attended to, then we can worry about far away places.
EMBArrassing replies - I got mine you get yours
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Just glad you guys aren't calling the shots.

and to the other poster - how do you know we are the only nation offering help?

Are you as outraged when the US exploits Africa?
you insist on - making
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me a bad guy because I disagree with you. I think we need to manage our resources. Are you not glad we live in a nation that allows differences of opinions?
False premise. I am not insisting on making you - anything....
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feel any way you want on the issue. As to opinions, you stated yours, I, mine.

What I am glad about is that WE (the US) will do Something to help. As we should. As we can. Without breaking any banks.

I am happy you - got the reaction
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you desired in the situation. I merely wish you had as much charity towards your fellow Americans - and not stating disagreement with you indicates a selfish "I got mine" attitude.
you don't have any clue what I feel toward my - "fellow" Americans. Does it occur
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does it occur to you I can support 'charity' for both? apparently not.

As to the "I got mine" comments- it's MERELY my opinion based on many comments I read about this issue on the board, like:

We'll help in the future after our soldiers are all taken care of... etc.

they are all basic excuses for turning one's head...

I'd like to remind people of the OUTPOURING of support WE received from the international community after 911. It was OUR time of need and they responded.

we're done - here
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peace at ya.
We're not sending soldiers over, we are sharing - intelligence.
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If you think that's extending too much help in a terrible crisis involving children, I guess we're done here.


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